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Maintaining Peace in Difficult Times

0 Heart it! Tim Custis 20
May 11, 2018
Tim Custis
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Eventually, on the path of awakening, you will recognize that obstacles are part of the journey. Living a peaceful or even perfect life is not about avoiding or never experiencing them.

The perfect life you seek, the one without problems and challenges does not exist. Your thoughts of perfection have misled you. Your social conditioning taught you to believe that a perfect life should not include issues or difficulties. This unattainable thought will only lead you to experience discomfort in your life each time something shows up that you perceive is not perfect.

The obstacles you encounter should not rob you of your peace, but offer you the opportunity to become grounded in your oneness with the Divine. If they rob you of your contentment, then you are not experiencing them with awareness. Because the moment you bring the light of awareness and acceptance to any obstacle, the darkness can no longer hurt you and the peace that is always available to you will once again be felt.

Therefore, the next time you experience a problem, pay attention to your thoughts and you will see that they fill you with resistance and bring suffering. You can now use this newfound recognition to choose not to follow their direction. Let these misguided and unhelpful thoughts go and know that whatever you are facing you will be okay. Trust in your Divine nature, ask for the help if you need it and continue to pay attention to your thoughts, especially when you feel discomfort.

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0 Heart it! Tim Custis 20
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