Often times, pet owners feel regret, infirmity, sorrow, and affliction when a fur baby passes. Pet owners may feel regret about how their pet passed away, when their pet passed away, or even where their pet passed away. We all know how smart our pets are, and as it turns out, pets are very well aware of their transitioning process and when it’s becoming their time to go.
In the spiritual community, many believe that we choose the day, time, and year of our birth as well as our time of death. It is the very same for our fur babies. Therefore, we want to share an example of how one pet owner’s inner turmoil of regret greatly differed from how her deceased dog saw its final days.
Sarah chose to go on a trip and she wanted to take her beloved golden labrador retriever, Missy, along with her. You see, her and Missy had always gone on adventures together. They were absolutely inseparable. She pondered for days about whether to go on the trip, as Missy was growing with old age. After Sarah chose to take Missy along, she passed away in her arms. Sarah was instantly filled with remorse, thinking perhaps Missy wouldn’t have passed away if she had avoided the trip or any extra stress on her dog. She thought, “Maybe Missy would still be alive if I hadn’t taken her out of her comfort zone and put her in pain”. However, the fact is, Missy wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. She wanted to make her transition by her mama’s side while doing what they did best: traveling and adventuring.
Imagine If Sarah hadn’t taken the trip, Missy could have passed away while she was at work. Or imagine if Sarah had taken the trip but left Missy with friends or family. Missy could have passed away. Wouldn’t this have caused Sarah much regret. Instead Missy passed away in her arms. The fact that Sarah chose to take Missy on that last trip together meant Missy got to spend her last days with Sarah doing what they both loved doing…having adventures together. Missy wouldn’t have had her time of passing to be any other way.
If we have to go to work while our pet is ill at home, we may worry if our pet will be okay while we’re gone. Our pets are sentient beings that they will do their best to wait for us to come home, in order to pass on with the person or people they love the most. Other times, our pet will wait for us to leave to ensure they don’t have to see us go through the pain of losing them. Our pet may wish to peacefully pass on while we’re away from the house, in order to make the transition a little bit easier on both us and the pet.
Other times, we might have to deal with making the painful decision of ending our pet’s life due to illness or pain. Just like humans, pets have those in the spiritual world waiting for them to come home to heaven. Those in the spiritual world can be beloved deceased pets, family members as well as our ancestors. Many intuitive people may even sense their pets departure before they have actually passed. It’s quite common for pet owners with clairvoyance to actually see their pets energy leave the body prior to pets taking on their last breath. Sometimes, when we take our pet to the vet to say goodbye, it’s part of their process to transition. As heartbreaking as it may be, know that we are not making the decision to end their life. It’s about so much more than this; it’s about us being there with them and making the decision to let them peacefully go home and no longer be in pain.
To pet owners who may have regrets about how their previous pet passed on, just remember that our beloved furry friend would beg to differ. If they died having a life full of playtime, love, happiness, and fun, their legacy will live on as such.
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I came upon your post as I am grieving the loss of my beloved Charlie. I have witnessed many paranormal incidents such as surveillance footage of Charlie. He has even responded to my request to beep my phone on two occasions in which his response was in 1-2 minutes. So I know he’s here. My frustration has been in my own inability to sense his presence. I am so in deep pain from our physical separation.