Have you noticed that you can’t go to any store anymore without them trying to get you to get the flu shot? I wonder why that is? Is it because the flu is such a deadly disease and a bane on society? Or is it because of the almighty dollar. Here is some food for thought: Walgreens’ January 2013 sales jumped 6 percent thanks to pharmacists being able to give the shot. Prices for a single flu shot at Walgreens vary from $31.99 – 59.99 but that’s not the only big motivation for drug stores. If they can get customers in for vaccinations, chances are they can get you purchase household items and groceries, thus increasing their profits even more. 2013 yielded $3.1 billion in flu shot sales for pharmaceutical companies. 47.1% of the population got the flu shot in 2013. That’s 150 Million Americans and their goal is everyone over the age of 6 months to receive it. Can you say Cha Ching.
Let me tell you why I don’t get the flu shot.
The media reports that 40-50 thousand people die every year from the flu. Very Scary. However, if you go to the CDC website www.cdc.gov and look up the causes of death, In 2013 There were 56979 deaths caused by influenza and pneumonia. These deaths are lumped together and this is the number everyone quotes. If you look right below that category, you will see they break down the category into separate categories of influenza and pneumonia. The deaths from influenza, 3697. From pneumonia, 53282. Not very honest scare tactics.
The 2014 flu vaccine at greatest estimate was 19 percent effective. Meaning getting the vaccine reduced one’s chances contracting the flu by a meager 19 percent and leaves an 81 percent chance of getting it. Not to mention the fact that there is a good percentage that get the symptoms of the flu from the shot itself.
Vaccine-makers use formaldehyde in vaccines to inactivate the virus strains. Per the International Agency for Research on Cancer, formaldehyde is a human carcinogen.
Thimerosal is a preservative in the multi-dose vials of the flu immunization and is about 50 percent mercury by weight. Mercury is one of the 10 most poisonous substances known to man.
Why take something that is loaded with substances known to be harmful to humans, (with no studies in what they do to someone when injected in combination), for a disease that has a 0001% of killing you and is not effective 81% of the time.
So what can be done to prevent the flu?
Studies have shown that a chiropractic adjustment can increase the immune system by as much as 300%.
Taking up to 4000 i.u. of vitamin D can keep your immune system functioning at a high level.
Having normal gut flora is very important to the immune system. So taking a probiotic can increase the function of your immune system.
Remember your nervous system is the master controlling system. That includes controlling your immune system. Get your spine checked to see if it is interfering with your nervous system.
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