“NO MORE SHAMAN SHOPPING, YOUR WAY IS THE NEW WAY” were the words I heard 9 years ago as I awoke from a dream in my hotel room in Cusco, Peru. A woman shaman stated to me the day before, “if you have been called by Mother Ayahuasca then you must find your own medicine.” I was in Cusco, after emerging from a very tough “dieta” that I nicknamed, “Shaman Boot Camp”.
I had spent the last 28 day moon cycle sequestered in a blue plastic tent constructed for me in the middle of a one room shack in the middle of the Amazon. I was there because I was following the message I received in my 7th year of working with Ayahuasca. I had three tasks I had to fulfil: Go to Peru, find a woman to study with and base in Cusco. The dream told me that I had the experience, I just needed the certificate, I ignorantly went ahead with a nod of acceptance that has led me on the most incredible, unexpected, wild, painful, sobering, exciting and most humbling adventure I have ever never could have imagined.
“MY NAME IS PALOMA BLANCA, AND I AM THE 6TH TYPE OF AYAHUASCA AND I WANT TO TRAVEL THE WORLD.” were the words I heard during my first ceremony in Machu Pichu with my Peruvian/Shaman guide. This was how I established my relationship with the Divine Mother and Ayahuasca. While I was learning, I thought I was just carrying Ayahuasca until that fateful day that I learned Her name.
Fast forward to July, 2018. It has taken me this long to understand what she meant by being the 6th type of Ayahuasca. The number 6 is about the vibration of LOVE. Paloma Blanca vibrates at 528H solfeggio tones and is a 5th dimensional energy medicine. Her refined vibration is about self love, compassion, family, prosperity, creativity, nurturing and harmony. Her tough love message right now is to clean up our inner sanctuary, right our relations, beginning with ourselves, clean up our outer environment, put into action what we love and GROW UP!
She says that what is most important now is that we must turn inward and crack through our amour around the heart because the answers we are looking for our barcoded there, the seat of the Soul. It is by dropping below the mental constructs and following the feeling sensory circuits that we can unlock the original blueprint of love that we have been created for. So the passage into our Soul is through FEELING.
Real change involves change in HOW we experience reality. Paloma Blanca is a contemporary medicine and calls to the People of the Heart. It takes great courage to face and feel your way through to let go of the old identity and its stories. When you know that the great mystery cannot be avoided any longer, that the self, as it was, cannot continue and you are ready to do whatever it takes to be your real self, then it could be time to take the path into self love, which is the key that opens the kingdoms of our hearts. It takes consistent effort to accomplish the homework she leaves each with, but those who do, blossom.
This is a visioning medicine; it supports our conscious opening into our true essence. The test and the greatest task that we are faced with right now is to walk this earth in the here and now with our awakened consciousness and live a new heart life based on integrity, honesty, self responsibility and great creativity. I have been guided, over a four-year period, to create a safe space in a 6-day process that allows us to birth our true selves and our missions and to embrace the whole of ourselves in LOVE.
So my question to you is: IS IT TIME TO REMEMBER YOUR TRUE SELF?
For more information please write to [email protected] or visit my Facebook page–Ayahuasca San Miguel Paloma Blanca.
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