If we were all angels and perfect then it’d be such a disappointment to be on this planet…
Drawing boundaries is carefully crafted art and can easily be misunderstood by closed minds. One needs to be aware of the ripple effect this could cause on the near, dear and most importantly ignorant people surrounding you.
It is perhaps the only aspect with 100% guarantee because the more clarity one maintains, the more you drift out from your comfort and into a battleground. From the space of “who you are expected to be”, to a free space of “who you want to be” or perhaps “who you truly are”, the common pulse that runs through is Love & Clarity. Not a “tough love” on self but a reality check and strength to apprehend our ‘self’.
Recognizing the Shadow Self is a constant transition from one phase to another and destined to a totally new dimension, when done successfully. It’s the space which means to constantly be in our power and stay there, yet question the thoughts and actions driven in self-interest. The more we stay in this zone, the more people may fall & drift away, these are the ones that were never meant to be in our way in the first place. This is often referred in age old parables of “separating chaff from the wheat”.
Reality check…
One must not feel the need for artificial niceness anymore, to please people or to feel the attachments, there are no conditions, no space for grey zone anymore – what better than beginning this charity at ‘home’. It’s high time we draw the boundaries and stand in our power to be who we really are! Accept our weakness and correct the self when required. The power of being is what we truly are and will remain in it, no more niceness of convenience will work hereafter.
Standing in your Power…
There is no space to give or take anyones’ abuse, there is no need to discard or be discarded again & again under the pretext of external reflections. It is high time to contemplate on our actions and move forward, one step at a time brings tremendous leap for our Soul.
When we stand by our truth, there is absolutely no space for anyone to shake our ground, there is no more space to sacrifice this one opportunity for the betterment of someone that doesn’t deserve a chance. Goodness has time and again sacrificed thousands of chances but not anymore – just say “I stay in my power and I accept it when corrected”, at least this time around.
Making wise choice…
We must choose to replace the Fear with Love, it is time for humanity to heal the wounds caused to others and take responsibility of our actions even we faulted at times and in this process face whatever may come our way rejection, abuse, isolation per se. Take the challenges in your stride and keep moving forward.
Natural resentment might surface once in a while, yet these tiny little steps against such challenges will prepare us for the betterment of our Soul.
– Sree Maa
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