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Scholarships Ain’t Free.

1 Heart it! Vanessa Fiore 25
May 4, 2018
Vanessa Fiore
1 Heart it! 25

People without a college degree,

Makin’ more money than me

We’re told to go to school, it’s all about education

But the destruction of debt is what they forgot to mention


Not everyone needs to be a doctor, lawyer or nurse

It’s the passion in your heart that matters most

It might sound corny but it’s true

If only you could see through the haze society impressed upon you


Go to the best schools, get the highest grades

Don’t worry…’s an investment for your future!

Degrees that end up collecting dust on walls

While you’re scrolling for jobs at local malls


Some of the best people I’ve met

Are self-made and self-taught

The smart ones who took up a trade

No student loans will they ever pay


Nobody wants to hear the truth, because we love denial

But the population is what’s crampin’ our style

Too many others to compete with, universities offering full rides every week

It’s to cause blind eyes to the real issue at hand


It’s to reel us in with the promise of something that sounds too good to be true

And then we graduate and what do we find?

There’s no real jobs to choose from

Like navigating a landmine


This isnt’ to say ‘don’t go to school’

I just think not everything is for everyone

A reality we should truly start to accept

Why spend all that time and money and be left with regret?


Of what we could have done with our time

And how we could have spent our money

Traveling the world

One bad decision at a time


No right way or wrong way

This is just my perspective

Based on personal experiences

I gotta keep it 100


Still waiting for that moment to reach true potential

I can feel it brewing under the surface

It can’t be stopped; only slowed

Stay on course and hopefully my prayers will be answered


If you don’t pursue what you’re capable of

It’ll fester and stew

Until it boils over

And eats away at you


Stay smart, stay focused

Hungry and honest

And remember that a piece of paper

Doesn’t guarantee you a life above average









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1 Heart it! Vanessa Fiore 25
1 Heart it! 25

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