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Sitting with Uncertainty.

0 Heart it! andrea sugar 21
January 24, 2018
andrea sugar
0 Heart it! 21

Today I am sitting with uncertainty. I feel an expansiveness inside – it feels like stars sparkling throughout every cell. It’s a bit unnerving. Not so long ago I wold have said it was terrifying; the utter lack of control and understanding made me feel so overwhelmed, unsafe even.  It almost feels like an internal free fall – I am not fond of that feeling externally and it’s taken some time to get acquainted with it internally. Now, now that feeling embodies freedom to me. I feel so fucking free, from the inside out. In the midst of all the uncertainty, the not knowing, I found the greatest freedom. I released myself. The not knowing is exciting to me now. It’s still scary, but I welcome it. I surrender. It reminds me I am in the midst of transformation, on the edge of endless possibilities. This is the gift of uncertainty – the excitement, the wholly wide open feeling of everything and nothing all at once. I don’t even know exactly what I’m uncertain about. I don’t know anything. It’s rather incredible.



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0 Heart it! andrea sugar 21
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