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The Outsiders: Living Life With True Freedom

1 Heart it! Kevin Hartoebben 63
February 28, 2018
Kevin Hartoebben
1 Heart it! 63

I have spent my short existence chasing the Americans dream. A life of things, unnecessary things. My life has been full of fear, failure, and hardships. But today it is time for change. No more worries about my past failures, my present or future failures. I am going to take the moments I have and be grateful for everything I have been given. Live as if there is no tomorrow. No more taking for granted what I have and what is around me. I want to move forward not back into the past. A more simplistic lifestyle with less distractions. Taking hold of my debts so I no longer have to be a slave to them. That is my American Dream. In today’s society we see everything one way. We have lost the truth somewhere in the mix of things. It is time to stand up and regain what we built. Or failure is eminent. If we don’t seek of the truth then the lies become truth. In the world we don’t need thousands of dollars to find our happiness. We do not need tons and tons of stuff to make us happy. The truth is the more we buy the less satisfied we are in our life. The more debt we have the more we have to work and loose time with family, friends, community and in a basic sense ourselves. We loose who we are for what? To die with stuff. Most marriages fail, why? Because we are not chasing our wife or husband around the house we are chasing a piece of paper that means nothing. Is backed by nothing. When do we break this system down and realize there is so much more. Maybe your amazing wife, husband, kids and most importantly yourself. Why don’t we seek out ourselves so we have the ability to love others. People always tells me that work is something we have to do but how do you choose a career if you don’t know yourself enough to work a’t something that makes you happy and excites you. If you work at something you love you will never work a day in your life. I spent the better portion of my life working. I used to average 110 hours a week I did the for nearly 12 years. Losing time with my kids and my family. Going as far as not seeing my family who I love for 7 years. Losing touch with myself friends and how my kids where being raise becoming a very unpleasant person to be around. Full of angry and hate. My amazing kids are the one who suffered the most I hurt them I put them in a bad place not giving them a father or friend. Not only did I work a lot I moved my family all over the country moving more than 8 times in a 4 year span. They did not deserve that. To top it all off I started my own business that completely took over my life. After the divorce of my first wife I reached deep into my self. Started to figure out who I was started to take hold of myself. I didn’t go after change, I went after myself. I new if I just changed it wouldn’t do anything, but find more misdirected hope. So I began looking, listening, and watching. Keeping myself from all the thing that created drama losing the self I had created in myself and digging deep and finding my true self. Loving myself full heartedly. In life the roads are always cluttered filled with obstructions. We think, in truth it is ego, self destructive thoughts that make the path so cluttered. If we choose to live a life free of the clutter that are subconscious creates. We find that are path gets less and less covered. It starts to get free of obstructions. We are in a place of are existence to rid are life’s of things and fill are life’s with adventure, experiences, to love with are arms wide open. To live without boundaries, without the misconception of society standards. With a clear path a direction. Living moment to moment only there we can find happiness and love. We so desperately want and need. In my experience you don’t find that in things. You find it within, and true freedom is revealed.

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1 Heart it! Kevin Hartoebben 63
1 Heart it! 63

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