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The Practice Of Love. {Poem}

4 Heart it! Ernestine Fagel 923
February 1, 2018
Ernestine Fagel
4 Heart it! 923

It’s easy to teach love
To talk love
To preach love
But not always easy to
Back all of that up
With sheer loving action
With kind interaction
With mindful reaction
Not easy at all
Truth is we can’t vibe
With every single soul out there
We’re simply too different
To always match and hit it off
We’ll have our perceptions
Our opinions
Our impressions
We’ll feel from our perspectives
Whether it’s dislike or love
As long as we know that
Our subjectivities don’t define others
And we aim to hold space
For others to simply be
Exactly who they are
Without causing obstructions
“You do you, and I’ll do me, too”
That’s also what practicing love
Is to me

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4 Heart it! Ernestine Fagel 923
4 Heart it! 923

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