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The Sociopaths Creed.

1 Heart it! Candy Sweet 19
May 11, 2018
Candy Sweet
1 Heart it! 19

You do not have the right to remin silent. Everything you do and say will be held against you at some point in the future.  You do not have not right to defend yourself. I, the Sociopath, will be the judge, jury and executioner appointed to find you guilty of all trespasses, committed against me, wheter they be real, imagined or just because I can.

I will not be held responsible for my actions, or words against you. You may defend yourself to the death, but I will always prevail, for I am a Sociopath. I lack a moral compass. I do not feel your pain. I can, and will use any weapon against you, or others in order to get what I want. I will say vile and horrible things to you and about you, even if they aren’t true. I do this to manipulate you. Since I cannot feel pain, I immensely enjoy seeing pain in you.

I will not admit my wrongs, and if I decide to go that course of admitting my wrongs, it is not because I am think I am wrong, or see that I did a bad thing… it is words I use to get what I want.  I don’t feel right or wrong, so don’t ever expect me to adhere to your social norms. It is a language that I cannot understand, or do not speak. I can pretend that I speak your language. I can pretend to care and love you. I do this very well. But see… I am a sociopath. I feel nothing. I am blank, emotionless, and dark. I learned many years ago to copy what others do. I learned to say nice things to get what I want. I learned to act sad, when the situation called for me to act that way.

I am a sociopath, I am a skilled actor. Don’t expect just because I make promises to actually follow through. I made a promise to get what I wanted. I can be convincing, but I had no intention of following through. It doesn’t matter how mad you get at me for not following through, it’s not going to make me do it.

I am kind of like a robot. I will keep making promises and keep breaking them for as long as you belive them. I never learn that if I break promises and don’t’ keep them then there are consequences. I don’t understand consequences as I will move onto someone else. You can cry and I might say I’m sorry, but I don’t really mean it because I am a sociopath.

I do not experience fear, love, joy, peace. I learn to imitate so that I can immolate you. But deep inside me is a void. A dark place that contains complete emptiness. I masquaerade and pretend so that I can interact and be apart of your world, for if I was robotic without emotion I would be shunned.

I am a lonely disfigured creature on the inside. I need to feed off those around me to live. I am incapable of creating a life, I must take your life, your things. I really don’t want them as they mean nothing. But he more things I have. The more money I have the more people surround me, therefore I can get more stuff, more money, more things. The more I have the more feeding I can do. I live off your joy, your happiness. I suck your soul. But don’t’ take it personally, because I don’t. Its just who I am. It’s what I do. I am a predator and you are my prey.

When you meet me for the first time you will probably get that strange feeling that something about me just isn’t right. But I know you will probably shrug that feeling off, thinking he in a funny guy, he’s nice and dresses well. Yes, I am a sociopath. I have studied how to attract prey.

See some people who meet me automatically are repelled by me. Alarm bells ring, warning them to stay away from me. It’s okay because they are worthless to me. If they try to assault my character I will go to any lengths necessary to destroy them, to have others question their integrity. I will resort to unscrupulous behavior. It’s okay, I’m a sociopath, that’s who I am.

Beware to those who love me. I will repeatedly hurt you and twist it so that it is your fault. I will lie to you and not feel bad. I will say sorry because that is what you expect me to say, but I’m not sorry because I don’t know what that really means.

I may cheat on you. I promise he/she means nothing to me. I will take from you, because anything you own is mine too. Anything you own, I own too. I will make you feel bad about yourself. The worse you feel the more powerful I am.

I will be so nice to you, because I want you to love me. Love is power. I thrive with power. The more you love me the more powerful I become.

I will control you because I own you. You are an extension of me, because without you I am nothing.

Even after we break up I will own you. Speaking of break-up. I will always come back to you if I think I can get more of what I want from you. I will say and do nice things so you will forget the horrible things I did to you, and said about you.

You are my victim. My prey. I will take everything you have. I will decimate your life and blame it all on you.

When we part ways. You will want me, yearn for me, cry for me. Why because I became everything you wanted…in the beginning. I told you everything you wanted to hear. I became you.

The hurt you feel will be like nothing your have ever felt before. You will yearn for the good times. I will have moved on from you. Why? Because well I got what I needed from you and now you are empty, broken and pitiful. You are now worthless to me. I have moved on because I have used all of your resources.

Your world will be in ashes. It means nothing to me, well…because you were played along and were gullible enough to believe my lies.

Rebuilding your life will be the biggest mountain you will ever climb, for I will have shattered your self-esteem, your belief in yourself. You will be taken down to the lowest spot humanly possible.

You will want me to pay for my mistakes, pay for what I did to you. You will want revenge. Your revenge is power to me. You cannot hurt me without your revenge. Whatever you do I will do ten times worse. I will use anyting you have have said or done and I will use it against you. I will tell others how sick you are. How uncontrollable you are. See because you are acting like a crazy fool trying to get back at me. It will be you who looks the fool. I will come out smelling like roses, because I will have moved on from you. Remember I am a sociopath, I do not feel your pain and I don’t care that I hurt you.

Our relationship will be on and off. Your friends will tire of your constant complaints of me. They will distance themselves from you because they cannot understand that I have power over you to stay despite how awful I act towards you. I might even tell your friends you are the crazy one in the relationship. I might tell your kids and your family, maybe even your boss. Nobody is off limits to get you under my control. I will say and do anything to get what I want, even if it hurts you or makes you look bad. It doesn’t matter to me because I am a sociopath, I do not feel your pain and I do not care that I hurt you.

I am an expert at human behavior. I am an expert at you. I know how to push your buttons. I know how to get from you what I want. I know that if I am super nice to you, rub your feet, cook dinner and take the kids to school you will be eating out of my hands. While you are admiring me I will be sleeping with your best friend, stealing from my business partner, and telling people all about your depression issues. See I am a sociopath. I don’t care if I hurt you, because I can always get you to love me again.

Each and everyday will be a rollercoaster ride. I am exciting to be around. I am fun to be around. I live on the edge. I am charming. I am good looking. I am charismatic. I am desirable because I seem fearless and child like. You will love that about me. Do not be fooled I do those things because I am bored and I know that you like it, and if you like it then you will not be going anywhere. If something goes wrong with living on the edge, well you were a willing participant in my game, do not blame me for I am a Sociopath. I don’t care that you got hurt.

Go ahead break up with me. I will use vile actions and words to make you feel worse than you already do about yourself. I don’t care. It is fun to make you feel bad. Don’t think to yourself, OMG I thought he loved you. I never loved you. I said the words and did things to make you THINK I loved you, but I did not love you. I am a Sociopath, I do not possess the ability to love.

You will love me. If someone tries to intervene and reveal the true me. I will convince you that your friends are conspiring against us, they are jealous.

You will be a damaged soul reading this… and will recognize me, but refuse to accept that I am a Sociopath. Not him, he loves me. Wrong. I never loved you. You were my supply. I have manipulated you to believe that I love you Nobody can try to talk sense into you. You believe it so much, that despite all the proof otherwise you refuse to belief the truth of what you see and still believe my lies, the illusion that I have created. I am a sociopath, my superpower is destroying your life. Manipulating you.

You will not want to let go of who I made myself out to be. Because who I made myself out to be is everything you thought that you wanted. I know that you do not want to let go of that. I am smart. I am cunning. I am convincing. I am a master at costumes and playing characters.  I will conjure myself to be what ever you want, but it is virtual. It does not exist neither do I. My words are powerful. Do not fret, do not worry for I am a Sociopath. I will do whatever I want to get what I want.

We Sociopaths are everywhere. We infiltrate society. We are not all serial killers, but all serial killers are sociopaths. We will definitely hurt you, but probably wont kill you. We are kind, loving, charasmic…your next door neighbor, your classmate, your friend, your teacher, your boss, your best friend, your business partner.

We are camelions, and usually blend into society. You will like us, fall in love with us, have sex with us, hang out with us, go into business with us. Don’t you fret, don’t you worry we are Sociopaths. We will be there in your life. We are wolves in sheeps clothing.

If we do infiltrate your life thank your lucky  if we are not related. Blood relatives are the best source of supply for us. If a mother disowns her Sociopath child, who looks bad? Me the sociopath or her. What inhuman person could disown their flesh and blood.

Pray that I am never the parent to your child. I will use all of my manipulative powers to turn your child against you. I do this well because I can and remember I am a sociopath. I like to see you in pain. I like to control you. It gives me power. I like power.

Nothing is off limits, and I mean nothing. Please remember that when dealing with me. You cannot hurt me, because I am a sociopath. I do not feel, and further more I do not care.

Cross me and I will decimate your character. I will call your boss and tell them that you stole from the company. Yes, I know you did not steal from the company, but that doesn’t matter to me. It gives me power, and puts your character into question, which is power. I hurt you therefore I gain more power and control over you.

If you meet me and don’t like me, that is good for you. That is your clue to exit right stage. You have saved yourself years of torment. Thank your inner voice for warning you. If you think well maybe I need to give him another chance, be careful because that could and will be the worst mistake of you life. Run as fast as you can, do not ever look back.

If you managed to get involved with me, marry me, go into business with me, or happened to be the unfortunate soul related to me. It is in your best interest to cut as many ties to me as possible. Do not try to change me, give me therapy, lecture me, have an intervention – well it’s all a waste of time. I am incurable. I have an Axis II personality disorder. I will never change. I cannot be cured through therapy, medicine or religion. I turn these into weapons. In therapy I can say and do anything to playcate you or make you look like the crazy one. If you lecture me, I may or may not listen, but please do not take my listening as listening, but rather as information gathering. This is input, I only learn more about how humans work. Religion is the best. I can fake a great transformation to God. I can pray, talk about God, read my bible. But remember I am a sociopath, these are tools I use to control and manipulate others to get what I want.

Your life will be better without me, despite my pleading and saying sorry. Gather what you have left of your self esteem and walk away from me – no matter how badly it hurts. Don’t worry I will try to manipulate myself back into you life. Do not under any circumstance listen to my words, because they are only words. I do not mean anything I say. I do not have good intentions or your best interest at heart. I don’t… I never did and I never will.

The only way to get rid of me is no contact. None. Nada. Zilch. Do not respond to my calls, emails, texts. If I want you back I will stop at nothing to get you back. I want you to respond to me. I will be nice or mean. I will be both, but I am only trying to get my way. Save yourself future agony and ignore me and I will eventually tire and move on, but I never completely move on because I know at some point in the future you will have forgotten how bad it was and maybe be a little more soft and have forgiven me. I count on it. It’s what humans do. They forgive. It’s your fatal flaw. You are taught to turn the other cheek and forgive others. You would be wise to never forget what I did to you.

Don’t think I want you back because I miss your love and I realize that I made a mistake. Oh I may say all of that, but in truth, I want you back because you have something I want. I want to control you, posses you. I own you. You are mine.

Remember I am a Sociopath. I have one goal in life, to get my supply. I do not feel, I do not love. I don’t care if I hurt you. So please do yourself a favor and cut me out of your life, because you will be better off in the end.


The Sociopath

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