The importance of self responsibility and self awareness, how to really move through fear and heaviness or an energy upgrade in a way that is taking self help to a new level of hedonistic expansion.
Spirituality, reaching for external validation and affirmation… have we forgotten that is it all within us…?
Are we that tainted by society and our dependency on the quick fix that we have forgotten we are God and thus already have everything we need?
It is important to know and recognise the sequence of events and the subsequent ramifications they have on the world we are creating, both present and future.
Full responsibility for the energy we bring to a room and what we are projecting to the universe and what that ultimately says about our own self worth.
Inward first every time.
This is crucial because otherwise we are projecting random shit on ourselves, to other people and sending a sign to the universe of scattered energy and that is not conducive to our highest good.
This is not to suppress, repress or try to bypass emotions such as fear, anger or pain, instead to honour those very important emotions and indicators, learn to speak to our fear and know the difference between fear and head chatter.
Getting in our head with scattered thoughts and letting ourselves run away with them is not in our best interest.
Sit with the core emotion, not the story around it or the who, why, when and the how.
The core feeling.
Do a memory search ask “When was there a time in my past when I was made to feel this way?”
Acknowledge the history.
See it from different perspectives, now as a witness.
Learn the lesson.
Write it out on paper.
Give love to yourself.
Feel gratitude and forgiveness.
Practice Ho’Oponopono
I am sorry
Please forgive
Thank you
I love you
Practice the mirror theory.
Bryon Katy uses the turnaround process and there are lots of different variations taught around this, however this is the core practice.
Hermetic Principles state: “As within, so without, as above, so below”… this Sanskrit goes back throughout all time.
In other words, our external world is a reflection of our internal world.
An example of the turnaround process is:
Whenever you feel triggered, (an obvious reaction or emotions towards someone, or something) angry, frustration and even hurt. For example, the trigger might be…
“No one is listening to me” and turn it into “I am not listening to me.”
Does that feel true and even truer for you? Feel into it and look for examples about how this might be rolling out.
This requires us to get real and honest, this is self-awareness and self-responsibility. It’s us taking the reins and saying yes to ourselves, the power the lies here in is undeniable.
We are so hardwired to react, rely or blame other people.
Fix me.
Tell me.
Help me.
Heal me.
Make me feel better.
Every time we give away our power because we are not being accountable for the energy we bring into a room.
This creates a space where we can really honour ourselves and we send a beautiful message to our soul SAYING, “YES I AM LISTENING AND I CHOOSE ME EVERY TIME.”
Our soul is the universe just as we are both the universe and within it, as states Hermetic Principles.
Can you begin to see the importance of this chain of events and the difference it can make in your life?
This level of self-awareness and self-responsibility and the world becomes our playground and our most potent resource all because the power is always within.
We do this and then we can make a well-rounded and self-honouring choice of to share it with someone or not. To seek further advice, suggestions, help or not. The important element to this is, you have shown yourself the respect of going inward first and that is the most self-loving thing we can do for ourselves.
Support, sisterhood, brotherhood and our network are crucial and amazing, and absolutely have a place, yet when we do this for ourselves we are doing it for all and that is fundamental work in what we give and serve the world.
Image source: Miguel Bruna, Unsplash.
Author: Renée Mayne
Queen Hedonist and the creator of The Hedonistic Way, business and leadership alchemist. Lover of spoken word and a chronic over-sharer. Creating a way of life and a pleasure centric business to serve and build abundance.
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Love your work Renee.
Thank you so much, I am truly honoured x
Beautifully expressed Renee xo
Thank you, this one found me x
I love that you have shared your authenticity with us in this article and inspiring us to choose ourselves it is so important
It has been such a game changer and so empowering. Thank you so much x
Beautifully written, it warmed my heart reading this xx
Oh, I am so glad it did! It come from the heart x