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1 Heart it! Penny Peyser 30
September 12, 2018
Penny Peyser
1 Heart it! 30

You didn’t like my post so I protested

with harsh replies and argument’ive quips.

Could not let your remarks go un-contested

and launched a thousand verbal battleships.

Then you went straight to Twitter to demean

any and all pronouncements I had made.

Too old to have our mothers intervene,

required a social media blockade.

Exhausted, thought I’d deal a final blow –

un-follow, block, eviscerate, un-friend;

erase you from my universe and know

my online misery would reach an end.

Before I cut you off without regret

I realized we’d never act’ally met!

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1 Heart it! Penny Peyser 30
1 Heart it! 30

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