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What Will Be the Legacy of Your Life

0 Heart it! Tim Custis 49
April 6, 2018
Tim Custis
0 Heart it! 49

We will never have what many call freedom is in this life if we do not begin to listen, hear each other’s truth, and then be willing to compromise. Thinking that freedom only comes in one size and shape, being rigid about what we believe to be true, and not willing to let go, will only lead to personal heartache and a world full of mistrust. You can feel and see this already in today’s world. Also, living this way will only contribute to the problems that future generations have to face. These problems arise so slowly; over generations that they are overlooked by many during their lifetime.

By bringing more attention to our personal thoughts and actions, we open the doorway to awakening, to our conditioning, and the false beliefs that separate us. This allows real freedom to unfold because as long as we are burdened by our negative thinking, what we perceive as freedom such as, political, geographical or financial is an illusion. Real freedom comes from self-freedom.

We are more alike than our own thoughts allow us to see and it is time that we discover this and begin to let go of our old beliefs, patterns, and thinking. We must be willing look for the middle ground, be all-inclusive by expressing the true meaning of love and stop creating more division by holding our ground, thinking that our way is the only way. When we do this, we create separation between the self and our soul, and this leads to more division in the world. We cling to like-minded people, locking the old patterns in even more profoundly and never experiencing the real beauty of this diverse world we live in.

When someone becomes lost in his or her own beliefs and desires, he or she will use the division in our society to create more separation, hate, and anger. The reality is when we break down the walls of separation and come together nothing is insurmountable. Our greatest power and gifts come from our connection to one another, and our biggest danger lies in separation, which only causes devastation.

We lay a brick on the foundation of our self-destruction every time we focus on our differences. We will fulfill this prophecy if we do not come together for the common good of every person on this planet.

The process of questioning our beliefs, paying attention to our thoughts and actions will only bring more balance, joy, and peace into our lives. Peace does not arise out of getting what we want, peace comes first, from within, and then and only then do we reach fulfillment because peace is the source of fulfillment.

Take a moment to contemplate what love really means and then see if your beliefs about other people and this world align with that meaning. Let any conditioning from society, family, religion, politics go for a moment. Then ask yourself, if I come from love, how will my thoughts and actions be different?

When we let go of our fear about what might happen and open our hearts to everyone, become vulnerable and embrace empathy we can change the world. If we allow our fear to be the foundation for our choices, we will self-destruct. What decision will you make, what kind of world will you leave behind for future generations? What will be the legacy of your life?

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0 Heart it! Tim Custis 49
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