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When an Orgasm Indicates Dishonesty

0 Heart it! Scott W. Webb 88
June 13, 2018
Scott W. Webb
0 Heart it! 88

Scientists know that within the past ninety years, there have been at least eight billion human orgasms on the planet because we can count them. Those are what society would call an honest orgasm because it produced something.

But an orgasm for the sake of an orgasm, we are taught from a very young age, is somewhat sketchy (like it can cause you to go blind, make God angry with you, that sort of weird societal bullshit humanity has been perpetuating for millennia). Thus some people act as if their own orgasm freaks them out, as if they don’t know what is happening to them, and thereby bypass any responsibility for the things Nature might do.

Is this really our ultimate evolution as a species?

The beauty of the body’s ability to have an orgasm is that anybody over a certain age can have one. There’s not a particular belief required, race, religion, educational level, politic, none of that. You just kinda rub one’s body in a certain spot, the genie pops out, touches us with the magical feeling.

But there can also be something creepy about it, the noises people can make, the gyrations, facial contortions, like when it’s happening, it’s something which has never once happened before. Like, OMG, what’s happening to me, me, me?

Come on, be honest. You’ve had (many) hundreds of them, since before junior high, sneaking around your parent’s house, all secretive and silent, pretending like nothing is going on at all, just up reading late at night, right?

Later, we get into RELATIONSHIPS, and nobody has taught us how to integrate our orgasms into normal life, and that’s where things have gotten screwed up. We’re not really sure how to express what our body will do in front of anybody else or how to handle it when somebody else does it in front of us. Thus there can be a lot of faking around it, boasting, glorifying, suppressing, not discussing, and sometimes freaking out.

Another aspect is “the repetition of the orgasm,” which can occur over time in a relationship. I mean, does your partner consistently do the exact same thing every time their body has an orgasm and is this behavior 100% bonding and adorable? If it is, then you are incredibly fortunate. If it’s not, then perhaps it’s time to speak up and say what’s on your mind.

Sometimes what can come out during an orgasm is: Oh my God I don’t know how to manage my emotions because I’m all so suppressed, blocked, and constipated, but at least I can get it all out now in front of you because you must adore me, my grunts, my groans, my veins popping out from my forehead, sweat, drool, etc.

So let’s take another three minutes and maybe get to the bottom of this.

We all know there are like a billion other people inhabiting this planet along with us and we are taught that it’s like this giant carousel ride in which we can observe and meet some of these kind souls, and maybe somebody out there will like us, if we are lucky. It’s a kind of numbers game. Then a lot of accidental things happen and suddenly, by some freak of nature, we find ourselves together with one of these random strangers, naked, stuff is happening, usually pretty fast, then oh oh, my body or their body is gyrating in a way normal people usually don’t.

Okay STOP, rewind.

What we’ve been TAUGHT, before we ever get on the crazy carousel ride, is to make ourselves PRESENTABLE. This involves all kinds of self-improvements, cars, makeup, deodorants, education, jobs, promotions, therapies, yoga stretches, goji berries and the like, which could be summed up as STATUS. Thus, the carousel is not the random placement of people, but organized into a society, with all sorts of levels, and we are taught, that the higher the level we attain, and pose, the more lucky we get at finding the right (Divinely or divinely chosen) person.

And, if we are good people, we get lucky once, we stick by their side, they stick by our side, till death do us part. Now, more cars, houses, boats, weed-eaters, family, in-laws, dogs, cats, hamsters, fruit pies, orgasms.

Better stop. Rewind.

Imagine if, before all of that other stuff happened, you could just be yourself. Imagine if you could just take all the fucked-up aspects of society, swirl it around like a tornado, hover it over your body, allow it to enter your being through the top of your head, and just become it. Why? Because we can’t get the social program out, and it’s so much easier to just be it, which is you, as you are, today, in this moment, perfected and fucked-up as you’ll ever be.

Now, hey, you are ready to go out into the world, put on any sort of clothes, cut your hair in a way that makes sense to you, etc., join the carousel ride with the idea that the rest of everybody else can just go fuck themselves. We are going to sort through all the mess of humanity and find somebody we feel some sense of attraction towards with a new sense of purpose.

When we find that person, we are going to experiment how to be ourself, and how to connect that (you), to another precious soul fallen from heaven. The way you connect, is to look into that person’s eyes, communicate your interest, see what they share back. Now, the person you have picked out may be of a vastly different status level from you, either way higher or way lower, but what would that matter if there has been fostered a human connection?  Wouldn’t that be more interesting?  Actual equality?

So, you move it forward. You ask this person to do something for you, like, “Hey, come over here for a second,” which would be absolutely AMAZING, wouldn’t it?

Here is the other simple trick to this: you assume nothing. You tap into your curiosity. You ask questions of this other person.

You do these three things: 1) look into eyes, 2) check their willingness, 3) discover more about them. The idea is that you certainly could go home and have an orgasm all by your lonesome, but perhaps, it might be more interesting to seduce this new person to see where it might lead, to progress things in little tiny increments to where it’s more fun.

I mean, even if you’ve been married for twenty years, try these three things.

Suddenly, nothing is accidental, is it? You start and you stop. Somebody is in control of this situation and it might as well be you. Suddenly, this other person, with whom you have connected, is stripped mostly bare of their outer-wear and about to have an ORGASM. And you can hush them up or bring it out, however you want to do it, because you have maintained eye contact the entire time ensuring all this awesome shit is mutual, fascinating, and mind-blowing regarding what’s possible when more than one person is rubbing (skillfully, lovingly) in certain places.

If it was pretty good, anybody can do it again, for as long as anybody is so inclined. You are completely free to duck from all the bullshit society has to offer, create your own love nest, and run your tongue all over it just to see what happens, because an orgasm is not one thing, but something to practice at, experiment, change it up, grow into, or out from.

Love, curiosity, fascination, amazing orgasms, it’s just PRACTICE. The success is what might happen if you connected you to you, then venture out.

The dishonest part is doing the orgasm thing like it’s some kind of a carousel ride of humanity, which you accidentally happened to be riding, which you stepped onto like a robot. The dishonesty creeps in like a dream of sleeping-others, stuff is happening, and they’re all screaming blindly in unison (with veins popping-out from their sweat-dripping necks), “OMG, I don’t know what’s happening to me!”

No blame.  We’ve all done it like that.  Then people grow old and die, and the carousel just keeps spinning, if nobody ever wakes up and connects, and why let that be you?

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0 Heart it! Scott W. Webb 88
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