November 5, 2008

And just like that… the world changed

Tonight was the most intense and emotional election I’ve ever experienced; it was one of the most intense and emotional nights of my life. Tonight the citizens of the United States shed shadows of its past and embraced a black man as their President. I made sure that my son watched it… watched history being made.

I remember what I did when at 9:00 p.m. MST, NBC news announced that Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United States… I cried. I cried simple tears of joy that our country could look past the color of a man’s skin to other possibilities, not just for a few, but for anyone and everyone in this country, regardless of race, gender, age, or other typical barriers to the highest office in our land.  I cried simple tears of joy for the hope and promise that President-elect Obama offers not only the people of our country, but the people of the world as well.

I was impressed with Sen. John McCain’s speech. He continues to be a man worthy of respect and worthy of admiration. It was a long campaign, and I thank him for the many years of service he has given this country.

Congratulations, President-elect Obama and Vice-President-elect Biden. Thank you for helping lead the United States into the 21st century and out of the dark days of our past.

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