July 31, 2009

elephantjournal.com reviews: Way Out Wax Candles.

Soy…candles? Normal candles, if scented, are toxic when they burn. Get your romance on, naturally, with these here candles—so natural you could eat ’em. (If you want to gag).

Cleanliness is Glowiness.

Soy. First it was edamame.  Then it replaced petroleum-based inks (these very words, when they first appeared in elephant journal, were made up of soy-based inks). Then, it had the audacity to take over your local grocer’s dairy section. Now, it’s minding your beeswax.  Good for 50 hours of smoke-and-odor removing candlepower, this air-cleaning (not just odor-masking) air soy candle is all natural. And it’s from Vermont.  And I love Vermont.

Way Out Wax ‘bottles’ these candles in cool, postmodern containers, and—like Patagonia, Newman’s Own, this magazine and other giants of beneficent capitalism, donates a percentage of its $$$’s to support sustainability and other worthy causes.

From elephant journal, Winter 2005.

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