November 23, 2009

Book review: When In Doubt, Make Belief: An OCD-Inspired Approach to Living With Living With Uncertainty (Jeff Bell)

Uncertainty is a concept with which we are all familiar, and those with OCD seem to be more intimately familiar with it than most.  Author Jeff Bell is one of those individuals afflicted with OCD but has learned to understand and even use his disorder to his advantage.

Through his disorder, Bell has acquired the skills and tools from which all of us can learn.  Each chapter contains an interview with various people from all walks of life who are familiar with either uncertainty/doubt or OCD in one form or another, and from those who are more famous like Sylvia Boorstein, actress Patty Duke and CIA director Leon Panetta to people in the mental health field who study OCD and its effects.  Key points are also re-emphasized at the end of each chapter as a means to focus the task of overcoming doubt and making it less overwhelming, as do his ten steps that he has developed to help himself and others overcome their doubts.

With the economy and socio-political situation as uncertain and doubt-riddled as they are, Bell’s book couldn’t be more timely.  From New World Library and available from your local, independent bookstore.  (Remember: shop local, shop independent, and tell ’em you saw it on Elephant Journal!)

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