June 10, 2010

Oil and Louisiana Jambalaya. ~ Joe Magee

The Gulf region is a major source of domestic seafood and accounts for almost 75% of the shrimp consumed in the United States.

The catastrophic oil spill is destroying marine life and seriously disrupting the food chain for thousand of communities.

If we cannot wean ourselves off of petroleum, oil will permeate deeper into our lives than ever imaged.

Watch how we might be cooking our food in the not too distant future. A recipe for authentic Louisiana Jambalaya.

Joe is the co-founder of the first green lifestyle certification, PineMark. A life long nature lover and avid surfer, Joe has had an appreciation of the environment since he was very young. After finishing his MBA and quitting a job at a Fortune 500 company, he helped create PineMark to educate and reward individuals for reducing their ecological impact. Joe loves sharing his passion for the environment blogging at PineMark. You can also follow Joe on Twitter @PineMark or @GreenSurf.

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