April 20, 2011

Flying Kites with Towel Head Kundalini Yoginis

Pic Courtesy of WeDharma

We all have those moments, right? When we know we are in the right place on the path.  When it feels like the world has conspired to bring us to a certain place in time, when in reality we just become aware of it all. This past weekend I was in Boulder, CO on Pearl St. and on a whim, decided to buy a kite as a birthday gift and while I was in the store Gurmukh walked in to also buy a birthday gift. Well, I am not a Kundalini Yogi, but it is hard to miss one, so beautiful and angelic, dressed in white from head to toe.   I stood back and just watched her for a while, radiating light and love and just this pure sweetness as she glided through the store.  I never met the woman, never took a class with her and did not suddenly get the urge to stop cutting my hair or anything (but I did a search for her on Ele and found this great article about Tantric Kundalini and how it may improve my sex life – bring on the Kriya!).  She was in town at for teacher training and getting ready to start a world tour at the end of the month.

I just felt compelled to be connected to a family, a sangha and a community that stretches out past the borders and boundaries of styles, teachers and what brand yoga mat you happen to use.  So, I approached her and introduced myself and immediately felt embraced, accepted and even… loved. I kind of felt a little high. It made me feel like one of those kites in the store, flying in the sky with the winds on my face and at my back.  That whatever currents happen to be pulling me to and fro, I am rooted and attached to a string of the light of the Divine.  Her energy was pure, authentic and genuine – and you know… I am just grateful to come into contact with any human who can tap into that within themselves.

Pic Courtesy of Yoga Journal

I encourage anyone who takes a moment to read this post to think about all of the moments we have the opportunity to find connection and confidence about the choices we have made to live the life we live. It is possible within each and every moment.  If all humans could find an openness in our hearts towards all of the moments in our lives, the world would surely be a different place.

To think… meeting Gurmukh in a freaking kite shop on Pearl Street in Boulder…Can it really get any better?  Ra Ma Da Sa.  Namaste

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