September 9, 2011

Going Without

My project, 25 Days, is going to take me to 15 cities across the U.S. this year. I am in Denver, my third city. I will be doing yoga and riding my bike in each city. I will report to you on my adventures and misdemeanors here.

As I planned for my one-year cross country adventure, I was considering all the things I would need to pack, all the things I would not have to bring, and all the things that might weigh me down if I took them with me.  While I absolutely adore sex, I decided that this would be a sex-free year for me, for a number of reasons.

  1. Distraction: If done in the proper manner, sex can be a distracting activity which takes you away from the task at hand at any given moment or opportunity.
  2. Messy: Sex can be messy, both literally and metaphorically.  I have no time or inclination to bring all of the accoutrements that must go along with proper sex.
  3. Potato Chip Factor: Good sex is like potato chips.  You can’t eat just one, and even when you feel like you might be “finished”, you want more.
  4. Broken Hearts: I have had enough of them.  I have had my heart broken and have broken more hearts than I care to recount.  This is something that could happen if sex is thrown into the mix, and I am not sure I need one more thing to worry about while I am on the road.
  5. Danger: I am pretty sure I don’t have to illustrate why this is the case.

So, here I am in Denver.  Right now, it is tough. My teeth are itching and I suddenly have great compassion for seventeen year old boys.  I have been propositioned, but I am proud to say that I stood firm. I am thinking it will get better as time goes on and distance grows between myself and my last sexual encounter.  That is what I am counting on, anyway. Please, someone tell me that I am right. Please.


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