October 18, 2011

Yoga to Me [video]. ~William Duprey

Photo: kalavinka

What is Yoga?

Having taken the time to study with teachers one-on-one and at some points removed from normal living experience, I had set out to create a training program for 200 Hour RYT teachers to study and earn their additional 300 hours in a removed setting where the group was limited to 10-12 students that were all screened before enrollment. After one year of doing this I saw amazing changes in not only their personal practices (asana, pranayama, chanting, etc.) knowledge of texts and philosophy but their development as individuals. These students were ready to not only practice and teach classical Hatha Yoga but were ready to pierce through the issues in communities in the world and make them right! The next year, I thought of shooting a video to document a few students and their changes throughout the program by asking them the same question repetitively— “What is yoga?”  What you have is a severely edited segment of some perceptive teachers that certainly allowed me to see clearly into their development of yogis and a beautiful reminder of what yoga is to each of us.



William Duprey teaches Sadhana. He was initiated by Sri Dharma Mittra and studied with him one-to-one until receiving his blessing to teach then began a similar course of study in Siddha Medicine. Will attends to many practices including chanting with Dr. M. A. Jayashree. He integrates his studies of yoga, medicine and mantra with life experience and traditional Hatha Yoga to emphasize a system of personal transformation that encourage students to discover inner awareness and reach new heights.

To know Will is to know an uplifting and humorous teacher with an ability to integrate philosophy and subtle energy into classes in a light-hearted loving way. His advanced teacher training programs are based on his own practices, methodology and teachings of his teachers to present a complete holistic system that promotes positive feelings and stability in body, mind and spirit. His teachings of chakra bandha theory, including pranayama, and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika are known internationally. The emphasis in all of his work is for the student to develop their own way—their perfect path of yoga.

While not teaching, Will is an avid hiker and is fond of beekeeping, waterways and growing food. Will holds an E-RYT 500 and Will Duprey Yoga is an RYS at the 200 and 500 levels.


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