November 27, 2011

Acid vs. Alkaline: All you need to know about your body pH in less than 10 minutes.

Or why diet soda isn’t diet.

Nutrition is not boring, tasteless or complicated.

Nurturing yourself and taking an active part in your becoming is one the most creative and revolutionary acts, because through it, you are literally making new pieces of You, building new cells that form your body and your mind. Your brain—the place where you design the rest of your life—is also made of flesh.

“You are what you eat” is not a metaphor but a literal statement.

You can always do something, under any circumstances or excuses. And it’s never too late…until it is.

It all starts with educating ourselves and unlearning a lifetime of madness, artificial food, and unconscious self-destruction.

Here’s an entertaining 9 minute video that shows you how to maintain your pH on the healthy side of town, like they never taught us in elementary school.

You can’t possibly know thyself if you don’t know thy food. You’re voting for your health and wellbeing with a fork at least three times a day and these votes add up, one way or another.

So, dear you (and dear me), start acting like the president of your body, mostly because you are. Invest in balance and your healthcare will come free of charge—or at least cheaper, in every way.


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