February 4, 2012

Feng Shui to Attract or Enhance Love.

Via Daily Transformations

As we pass through the half-way mark of Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, our thoughts turn toward love, Valentine’s Day and most importantly Spring.

What a great time for a fresh start in the Feng Shui love department.

Feng Shui is the 5,000 year old art of placement.  Since it’s been proven that everything is ultimately energy, it makes sense that where you put your things, how you think about them, and what you do with them matters.









This ancient science is taken so seriously in Asia that there are laws that limit the amount of mirrors big businesses can have on the outside of their buildings.

Whether single or in a long-term relationship, we can all use a boost of fresh energy in the love department, right?

I practice Black Hat Feng Shui which works off the placement of the Bagua map on the layout of the building starting from the front door.  If you stand with your back to your closed front door looking into your living space, the farthest right hand corner of your home on all levels is your relationship room. The farthest right corner of those rooms are the most important corners of your home when you’re hoping to enhance love.  To enhance these areas it’s important to think in terms of symbols.

If you have a dying or struggling plant in this area, chances are your relationship is struggling as well.  Having sets of two in this corner is uber important. Three candles aren’t going to represent the committed partnership you’re hoping for.

Two plants, two candles, photos of the two of you, a good upward facing light, artwork depicting love or a statue representing lovers are all excellent cures.  Bad items to have in your relationship corner?  Photos of your family, lights that don’t work or have burnt out bulbs, dying plants, things grouped in odd numbers, artwork representing solo people, self-help books, and clutter.

When I Feng Shui homes of single people or struggling marriages, I often see art work depicting one person alone.  Sad, remorseful art may have been valuable to collect but represent sadness, not love.

Bathrooms in relationship corners present a unique situation that can be “cured” but must be paid attention to for healthy relationship chi to thrive.  Keeping the toilet closed and bathroom spotless becomes extremely important. Symbolic photos of love or couple shots of you and your partner would be great to display in this room. Having matching towels and painting the room in a warm, inviting color would be a great cure to enhance the chi.

Painting the relationship sector of the home a cool color dulls passion.  Blues facilitate over communication not exactly ideal to relationship. Greens foster growth but too many growth periods in a relationship can become exhausting.  Too much red and you’ll fight.  It’s best to choose a warm inviting color that you both like and enhance the room with touches of red with pillows, throws or artwork to enhance passion.

Matching night stands vs. one night stand on one side of the bed enhances the partnership.  Not only should the tables match but also the lights.

Books and supplies in the drawers of these night stands should be bedroom related, not business or self-help. Keep family photos out of the bedroom and let this be your couple sanctuary.  If single, consider books on love, sex and relationship.

Have both night stands match and keep one of the drawers empty if you’re single so there’s room for love to arrive.  Same with your closet and dresser.  If you’re single, have one dresser drawer empty and make room in your closet for someone to come into your life.  This creates the energetic space for love to come in.  Make space for the lover coming to you and trust they are indeed coming your way.

There should be nothing under your bed as clutter causes stagnant energy.  Speaking of the bed situation; if you’ve gone through a break up, replace your sheets.  If you can’t afford this, wash them in sea salt to clear the energy of your old lover.  Open your windows and sage or burn incense to clear the energy after a fight or break up, and if it’s really dense drum or ring Tibetan bowls.  Have none of these?  Beat some pots and pans to clear the energy.

Don’t fight in your bedroom.  Step out into a neutral space.  The bedroom is reserved for love.

My top Feng Shui tip for a happy relationship?  Get the television out.

Is your current relationship feeling stagnant or out of balance?  Change things up in the relationship corners of the home.  Look at your home with a critical eye.  Is there an equal representation of both of you in the home?  Is it time to add some warm colors and pops of passionate red, purple or hot pink?

Are you working in bed vs. keeping the room as sacred space? Do you have sets of three throughout the home?  Three stones, three pieces of artwork?  Groupings of two are more desirable. Keep a close eye on artwork too.  One couple had a collection of mermaids in the home.  Regardless of how beautiful they were, mermaids represent solo female energy.

Fresh flowers do wonders for enhancing relationship energy. Buy a bunch of roses and put 2 stems in a vase in each of your relationship corners.  Every time you see them standing together in that vase, remind yourself that there is someone for you out in the world hoping to find you as much as you’re hoping to find them.



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~all photos by freedigitalphotos.net  Bedroom by Maggie Smith, drawers and rocks by Carlos Porto, candles by Annat_tikker, artwork by Vlado, pillows by Phiseksit, couples by imagerymajestic, rose by Nuttakit, lotus bud by Lobster20, garbage can by healingdream.



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