April 8, 2012

The Mindful Writer: Noble Truths of the Writing Life by Dinty W. Moore. {Book Review}

What does writing have to do with the Four Noble Truths?

There are a plethora of books about writing in existence, but this is the first I’ve seen that relates writing to the Four Noble Truths. It would be easy for this book to fall into the realm of books that make a similar attempt only to fall into platitudes and trivialities. Fortunately, The Mindful Writer is able to avoid such a trap and is able to offer valuable advice to all writers, be they professional or amateur.

After relating writing to the Four Noble Truths, Moore divides the book into four sections: the writer’s mind, desk, vision, and life. Each of these sections further breaks down into separate commentaries based on quotes from a wide range of writers and Buddhist thinkers including Margaret Atwood, Pema Chodron, C.S. Lewis, John Steinbeck, and host of others.. While the book can be read cover to cover in a short amount of time, each of the commentaries is worth taking the time to consider on its own as a separate entity.

This book would make a nice addition to any writer’s library, and is published by Wisdom Publications. You can find it at your local, independent bookstore. (Make a difference in your community: shop local and independent! And tell ‘em you saw it on elephant journal!)


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Editor: Kate Bartolotta

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