April 16, 2012

What Does Wisdom Look Like? ~ Melissa Codispoti

What does Wisdom look like?

Close your eyes and imagine the wisest person you have ever known. Where does that wisdom radiate from? For me wisdom is held in the face, particularly the eyes. I see a face that has really lived.  A face where the eyes reveal a certain knowing that can’t be found in the young.  Eyes that are not only deep with knowing, but are also highlighted by the wrinkles of time.

The lines on our faces tell so much about our experiences. Isn’t it a bit ironic that we as a society are so desperately trying to erase this wisdom? Why would anyone believe that a shiny, plastic face that is unable to move due to an overuse of botox and fillers, with giant duck lips, is a better option than a face that details our life journey? Who was the first person to deceive us into believing we would be “better” if only . . .

If only we had better hair

If only we were just a bit thinner

If only those wrinkles weren’t there

If only our bodies were fitter

If only ____, we could fill in the blank with a million phrases that we have been presented with through TV, Magazines, Movies, Marketing Campaigns, Department Stores – the list is endless.

What if we changed that message for ourselves and our daughters? What if we stood in a united sisterhood and exclaimed at the top of our voices that “We are already enough, just as we are in this moment, just as we have always been – we are enough!”

I like to call this approach “BYOBF (be your own best friend)”. If you are saying things to yourself that you would never dream of saying to another person, then why would you ever keep repeating them over and over to yourself? Change your internal dialogue to recognizing that you are so much more than your perceived faults.

Making this small shift from “if only” to focusing on your positive aspects will make a huge impact on your day to day happiness. Imagine yourself at age 4 running through nature, amazed at all that unfolded on your path. The time before you were deceived. A time when you not only felt, but knew your own unique beauty.


Editor: Lindsay Friedman 


 Melissa Codispoti has been practicing yoga for over 13 years.  The balance and mindfulness she discovered on the mat, led her to become a Registered Yoga Teacher and a Thai Yoga Massage practitioner in 2009.  Her classes specialize in connecting the mind, body and spirit through a heart opening, musically enriched, yoga class that is accessible to everyone. Melissa believes the yoga mat is a sacred place for self-reflection, healing, and joy. She likes to bring a sense of playfulness and childlike enthusiasm to her students.  Most days she can be found singing and dancing (or perhaps yelling) her way through her new job as a chauffeur to her children (yes, much to the horror of the children, it is possible to dance in the car!!). In addition to her chauffeur duties, Melissa loves all things Apple, yoga, Pilates, reading, collecting antique poetry books, listening to all types of music, kirtan, fashion, traveling, blogging, and just being a mom.



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