July 7, 2012

Wanderlust Copper: Seane Corn Rocked my Body.

Yoga Light FM Class with Seane Corn at Wanderlust Festival Colorado.

Walking into this yoga class, described in the Wanderlust schedule as a light-hearted journey through Seane’s favorite soft rock songs of the 70s and 80s, I had no idea what to expect except fun. It was “karaoyoga” as Waylon called it.

Maybe this wasn’t the best first yoga class to take from this beloved yoga star, but for me, this was my favorite yoga class so far. Maybe I’m a little too “Corepower” yoga scene for you—though I’ve actually never been to Corepower—you know, with the music and a happy, hyped environment, but I felt the music was actually able to keep me in my poses longer. As I said before, I haven’t done yoga more than five times in the last year, so an almost two hour Seane Corn yoga class meant me wanting savasana 30 minutes in. Usually, I struggle to hold each tough position to the end, the undetermined voice in my head wills me to rest, but when Hungry like the Wolf’s chorus bumped on, so did I, willingly moving deeper into my pose with an extra hip jig.

Seane Corn is also so human. Singing along—mic’d—at the top of her lungs to a room full of sweaty yogis, while encouraging the class to join into the sing along, makes me genuinely appreciate her, not just as this famed yoga teacher but as a good person. But, she even said herself that she doesn’t play music normally in her classes and is usually a much better teacher. No complaints here though.

The music did, however, make it harder to focus on my breath, to go deeper into myself, to feel my body’s aches and to relax.

But, before you go hatin’ on doing yoga to music, try blasting some of my favorites from today’s rockin’ class to get you through your tough poses.

Also to come: Interviews with Seane Corn, Tiffany Cruikshank, Sean Hoess & Jeff Krasno, Kerri Kelly.

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