September 24, 2012

5 Ways to Prove That You’re a Real-Life Superhero. ~ Eka Joti


 Definition of a superhero for this article: One who positively alters the fabric of reality by becoming a clear and masterful agent of positive self-change.

You’re a real Superhero.

Hey, you don’t have to convince me—I see your superhero style all over the place:

Using your detective skills like Batman to hunt down the owner of the $4,000 you found on the street

Helping envision and implement Denmark’s first bike-only highway

> Taking part in independent yet collaborative groups worldwide, creating a coherent and cohesive Occupy manifesto

> Or maybe the most super-heroic action of all—random acts of high-fiving kindness:

In short, you are someone that deeply and essentially cares about this shared existence, and you make it your priority to live your life along these lines—through small and large actions, becoming ever more masterful.

Now, you may go one step further, choosing to deliberately embody and express a unique and adventurous story of heroism. If this is the case, you are not only a real-life superhero, you are my kind of superhero.

But like I said before, you don’t need to prove it to me—I know what to look for. Others may need a little help to see your inner awesome. Or, maybe you are still searching for the evidence to prove to yourself that you are indeed a superhero.

Look no further. See if you fit the five criteria below and you’ll have indisputable proof that you do indeed rock out in true superhero style.


Going Big

1. You deliberately take on a unique, inspiring and playful story of the [Super]Hero’s Journey.

The superhero approach to life that I so love is playful, adventurous, full of possibility and discovery. And above all, it is fun!

Humor is crucial on this path. Why? Because it is a powerful counter-balance to the self-imposed seriousness that often permeates personal growth and self-empowerment. With humor, we get to soften our rigid egos and beliefs about ourselves, and this in turn gives permission to others to do the same.

And, as a sweet byproduct, well-humored people often are more successful in life. A survey of 737 CEO’s found that 90 percent of them would rather hire someone with a good sense of humor than someone with a more serious demeanor.

So share with our community below the story and persona of your unique superhero, so that we may be inspired and encouraged.

2. You take “response-ability” for the world around you.

You embody responsibility; that is, the ability to respond—rather than react—to the situations around you as they need it.

This is something that powerfully connects almost all comic book superheroes—they act. They may not always have the perfect answer or strategy, but regardless, they act as best they can.

There is fear, yes. There can be stress, pain and overwhelm. But superheroes don’t sit around, victimizing and complaining. They take “response-ability”—they commit to purposeful action.


A great example of this in pop-culture is Aang from the animated series Avatar: the Last Airbender. Many characters in this show are young, and all of them are portrayed as very human and fallible.

Aang embodies this superhero-human dichotomy most believably.

Though he often struggles with what is asked or expected of him, he tries his best to respond to the the needs of the moment. He is guided and empowered by his humanness, his compassion, his innocence, his honesty, and his wisdom.

What are some of the ways that you consciously take on greater “response-ability” in your daily life?

3. You know, own, and hone your unique superpowers (personal talents and gifts).

Superheroes are often most famous for their unique superpowers.

Billionaire Genius Playboy Philanthropist

> Spiderman has his ‘Spidey Sense’ (and awkward emo-shyness).

> Tony Stark, a.k.a., Iron Man, has his inventor’s genius (and oozing playboy charisma).

> Batman has his mastery of tracking, detective skills and forensic science (and mastery of melodramatic brooding).

> And of course Ma-Ti has heart.

And you fellow hero—you have something amazing as well.

Of course, we are always developing our talents, learning how to use them more effectively. Yet even now, you bring something completely unique to our shared situation. Sometimes others don’t feel that they have anything special to offer. They put blinders on and are unable to see the awesomeness that you may see in them.

One of the most powerful things you can do for them is own, develop and express your own unique talents, while encouraging them to join you in the adventure.

So tell me Hero, what are some of the very unique qualities, skills, points of view that you bring to our shared human adventure?

4. You acknowledge your triggers, your old wounds, your inner supervillains.

As superheroes, being challenged by supervillains is part of the gig.

Sinestro and the power of fear

> Batman has the Joker: a villain that maniacally laughs and belittles every attempt the Bat makes at civilized and ordered justice.

> Green Lantern has Sinestro: a once-hero-turned-villain that believed destructive fear was a more powerful universal energy than creative will.

> Professor X has Magneto, though both desire the prosperity of mutant-kind, this villain believes such a dream cannot be accomplished so long as bigoted humans control government and society.

At the deeper psycho-emotional levels, every human that steps up into their true greatness must eventually face and overcome their personally tailored supervillains. Fear, shame, doubt, anger, dispair—each of these energies is formidable and capable of great destruction until faced, understood and transformed.

I believe that one of the most profound things a human can do and model to others is to acknowledge and consciously work with their fears, limitations and personal wounds.

So please give us inspiration and greater courage by sharing your own fears, triggers and supervillains.

5. You are a visionary—you are guided by a dream of something better.

My favorite superheroes are the ones that have a vision of a better way of co-existing. They dedicate their lives to creating breakthroughs in science, the humanities, culture and the like to evolve our species and our planet.

Swamp Thing finds love

> Both the new Batman and Ironman movies show these creative billionaire geniuses dedicating themselves to creating clean and cheap energy technology that they plan to openly give to the world. (I will also add Nikola Tesla to this list.)

> Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing gives his life more than once in forwarding our understanding of our ecosphere, the interconnectivity of humans and nature, and the need for ecological balance in our modern world.

> Though the earlier takes on superman had him espousing “Truth, Justice and the American Way,” the more modern telling of Superman often has him expressing his desire to stop simply saving us from our own ignorance, and instead empower us to be our own heroes.

So then, what is the visionary possibility you bring to us? Share with us the long-term dreams that bring you inspiration, purpose and courage.

Your heroism is undeniable.

Now is the time—speak forth and share your undeniable awesomeness:

  1. How do you embody your own superhero story? 
  2. What are some practical ways you exercise your heroic “response-ability”?
  3. Own your unique gifts! What talents are you bringing to the party?
  4. Self-honesty is what takes a hero to the next level. What are some of the personal supervillains you face in your superhero adventures?
  5. What dreams, visions and deeper meaning guide your steps and refresh you heart?

In these five ways, you prove to yourself (most importantly), and also to the world around you that you are in-deed a real-life superhero.

And yes, you are also beautifully human—imperfect, messy and often a walking-contradiction. And the truth of it is—so are superheroes. So go ahead and embrace your humanity and your superheroism. Keep on and enjoy the ride.

Oh, one more thing. There is a reason so many superheroes seek out companions and teams: “Superhero-ing” is challenging work. So you too can reach out to our community and get the support you need here at the League.

You have more support than you may believe…

In certifiable awesomeness,

Eka, a.k.a., SuperSpark

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Editor: Brianna Bemel


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