September 9, 2012

Manifest Desires: Four Simple Steps. ~ Ayelet Shimron

Putting out the Good Vibrations

I recently returned from a spiritual journey through India. Upon my arrival back to the U.S., I was bombarded with questions. What was the peak experience of your trip? What did you learn while you were living at the Ashram?

Looking back at an experience that cannot easily be put into words, I finally crystallized my response to all these questions I was receiving. I learned how to vibrate on a whole new frequency level and as a result,I am now able to manifest my dreams into a reality and attract the right people and scenarios that are conducive to my spiritual, mental and physical growth.

Step 1: Change the composition of your morning mind 

The moment you wake up, allow only a strong positive thought to enterthe territory of your mind. The thought can be anything such as, I will radiate compassion to every person I meet, or your favorite mantra. Think about this positive thought intensely; give it a few minutes to permeate your entire being. Repeat this thought as you make your way to the restroom and complete your morning routine.

The goal is to get your conscious mind accustomed to thinking positively on its own.

When we wake up in the morning, we are most vulnerable and susceptible to evil or negative thoughts breaking into the gates of our minds. An example is the simple thought, “I don’t want to get out of bed.” This is usually the first of many negative thoughts that enter, simply because our conscious mind is still half asleep and not fully aware. This step is crucial because it will help you start your day on a positive note and your morning vibrations will surround you throughout the rest of the day. 

Step 2: Access your anahata (heart) chakra

Become a channel that resonates divine energy by focusing on your anahata (heart) chakra. When you express yourself directly from your heart, your entire being vibrates on a much higher frequency; therefore attracting others who are on the same frequency level.

Begin by feeling a connection between your heart and the Divine. This instantly surrounds your being with an expanded aura. You can easily do this by focusing on whatever form of divine energy you connect with: God, nature, a guru, spiritual leader, love or the cosmos. Picture this presence making a home for itself inside your heart. This practice will prevent your inner space from shrinking to a level of anger, fear, resentment or confusion, allowing only expansive energy to embrace and surround you.

Step 3: Live in expansion through daily practice 

Find a daily spiritual practice that grounds you and makes you feel pure expansion inside. It may be a yoga practice, meditation or even reading an inspiring passage from a book. I find that doing a few Surya Namaskars (sun salutations) every morning upon waking up or a morning stroll really boosts my vibrational frequency. These are not supposed to be strenuous, but rather a practice that brings you into a space of conscious awareness and tranquility. It’s all about the mind-body connection!

photo: flickr/RelaxingMusic


If you can’t bring yourself to do Surya Namaskars, try to meditate every morning and evening (start with just 10 minutes if you’re a beginner and work your way up to at least one hour). I like to focus on my heart center and envision myself surrounded by a bubble of light protecting me of all unwanted intrusions. These small but effective rituals should be done every day at the same time in order to create a routine for yourself. After just 21 days of consistent practice, you will find that these small steps open up doors to deeper parts of you that are able to manifest your desires into realities.

Step 4: Crystallize your aura

Get a crystal with healing properties. When I was traveling alone in India I wanted to ensure that I would attract the healing power of love and the right people along the way. I purchased a rose quartz necklace and wore it around my neck. As soon as I put in on, I was able to receive the loving energy from each person I encountered beyond any logic or control.

For those who are sensitive to energies, know how powerful crystals are. Once you find a crystal with the specific healing power you want to attract into your life, make sure you energize it. Then program the crystal so it attracts the exact energies you wish to attract.

To energize your crystal, place it in a glass container under cool running tap water for about 10 minutes. This cleanses and energizes your crystal both at the same time. To program your crystal, sit quietly away from distraction and loud noises. Concentrate on the specific energy you want your crystal to produce for you (i.e. love, happiness, clarity, wealth), and then focus on transmitting this energy into your crystal. Once your energy is programmed to do what you want it to do, simply wear it around your neck and witness the miracles unfold!

Share these gems by radiating a life of consciousness and bliss. Begin manifesting your dreams by vibrating on a whole new frequency!


Ayelet Shimron is a transformational life coach, relationship/sex consultant, motivational speaker and writer. Having traveled to numerous destinations across the globe to study spirituality, meditation and cultural communication, Ayelet’s evolving expertise span from purposeful living, guiding meditations and showing people how to live a more spiritual life through hands on experiential practice. Ayelet continues her daily practice under the teachings of prestigious speakers, writers and leaders from all over the world, focusing on Kabbalah from Israel and Vedic tradition from India. “What is life if not experienced in its entirety and with intensity; when we open the door to our hearts, naturally life reveals a dynamic universe of vibrant colors.” Ayelet recently returned from Israel and later India, where she spent months studying the deep mystical secrets of Kabbalah, Vedic philosophy, consciousness, meditation and yoga; By applying these secrets to her practice, Ayelet is helping people find true meaning by tapping into the channels of mind, body, and soul. If you’re interested in connecting, simply shoot over an email or for daily motivational tips follow Ayelet’s Facebook and Twitter pages! Website: AyeletShimron.com Facebook: facebook.com/LiveYourGoalsTwitter: @CoachForLove Gmail: [email protected]


Editor: Sarah Winner

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