November 12, 2012

Living with Love. ~ Hazel Taylor

Photo: Ellipsis-Imagery

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”~ Schiller

To love is why we are here; it’s the only thing we are here for and it’s the only thing that matters.

Love your partner. If you don’t have a partner love your dog, your cat, your yoga, your football game, your music, your friends, your family.

Love whatever you love or whoever you love and love it passionately.

If you don’t know what you love, then find out. Try something new, experiment, change something up, change things until you feel some love, some passion.

If you weren’t taught to love by your parents (like me) then you may be hurt when you love because each time you do it will bring up your stuff, your issues, your pain, your sanskaras. The only way to heal that pain is to love with the understanding and acceptance that you may be hurt…but that hurting is ok.

When you hurt go into the pain and really feel it and learn from it. Learn that from the pain comes compassion for yourself and for others. Forgive them and forgive yourself, because everyone makes mistakes.

Then love again.

Love some more and keep loving no matter what. Don’t mistake loving with being loved or being in love which are two completely different things. Learn to love and open your heart and let the light shine in. If you do, each time you love, you will release more of your repressed stuff, getting rid of that stuff will allow you to let even more love and passion into your life and it will make you feel alive.

We are having this human experience for one reason only: to learn how to love, to give love and then to give some more love.

Don’t distract yourself from loving by telling yourself that life is about anything else. Don’t try to numb yourself with drugs or drink or inappropriate sex or crap tv or buying things or relationships that are a lie; those things are not why we are here.

This life is not about how you look, what you wear, what kind of car you drive, how much money you have or how long you have suffered in the wrong job or the wrong relationship with the wrong person. Those things don’t mean anything. Those things are not the easy way to live life. Those things are turning your back on what is true for you—your passion.

Life is so much easier when you take the difficult route to find some passion and then live with passion for whatever or whoever you love.


Hazel Taylor is a hoper, dreamer, wisher and thinker, of yoga, love and happiness. You can find out more about her on her website.




Editor: Elysha Anderson

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