April 10, 2013

The Magical People. ~ Lauren Wessinger

Blessed are the weird people







For they teach us to see the world through different eyes

I adore this quote by Jacob Nordby. It resonates with me. I know it resonates with you too.

Tell me if you’re out there.

Are you the one not described in this inspired word? I’d like to cross tracks with you who feels outside this alluring illustration.

I want to meet you if you feel like you have ever really fit in. I want to know you if you don’t sometimes feel like part of the weird people.

What is it you’re fitting into?

I want to know.

I am not asking if your life fits into a socially accepted mold of success. I am asking about your heart. Your soul.

I am asking about the places in both of those that often times only get to whisper the true you for fear of separating from the norm. The life fits, but do you?

I used to have pillow talk with a college love about fitting in. We were convinced we were the only sane ones in the world, and that the whole entire world was mad as a hatter. Maybe it’s true.

I know nobody who isn’t helping me see through different eyes…from the Texas woman clad in rhinestones and big hair, to the homeless graffiti artist I dated in my teens…from the leftwinger businessman better known as my Dad to the rightwinger businessman better known as my Father-in-law…from my not-so-subtly famous cartoonist Godparents to my college friend spending a lifetime in prison for drug trafficking.

All of you are misfits. All of you are artists. All of you are magical.

Choose not to discriminate, but rather fascinate on your neighbor who is from the other side of the tracks than those you grew up on. He doesn’t fit in. To where? I don’t know.

Find out. Be fearless in your quest.

Choose not to dislike, but rather delight in your conservative brother who seems to be from another clan. He has found something that frees his own heart and he beats to his own drum. Artists do that.

Appreciate your spouse for their indignant contribution to abortion rights when your own heart is telling you otherwise. Own your path, let you spouse own theirs.

Know each of you is more than your belief of whatever trail you are deciding to blaze.

Your own personal mystery is far more vast than any social or religious decision.

The mysticism you create together is heightened by the ability to connect on this higher plane.

Don’t you see? There is nothing to fit in to.

Who gets to do the deciding of what this picture looks like that we are trying to assimilate to…or de-assimilate from?

You don’t fit in to my world and I don’t fit in to yours. That’s what makes this life worth living. Staying curious is what keeps us out of fear and in love. That’s the work. That is the path.

From a place of curiosity, not judgment, I challenge anyone who reads this to stand up and respond if you don’t feel like one of the “weird” ones.

Tell me if you are the one who ever fit in. If you are, don’t be shy.

Be solid, be real, be proud of who you are.

Inspire us. Enlighten us. Enlighten the poets. The misfits. The writers. The mystics. The painters. The troubadours. Because I have a feeling you too are one of us. You too are one of creative humanity that is all of us. Tap in. Dig deep.

Your magical side is right around the bend.

Lauren Wessinger, Fort Worth Texas, 35 years old, yoga teacher and mother. I am not my writing. I am not my yoga. I am not the role society has put me in. I am not my past. I am not my future. I am not my possessions. I am not my thoughts. I am not my doubts. I am not my desires. I am not my religion. I am not my politics. I am simply a human on the path, just like you.



Ed: Elysha Anderson

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