November 2, 2013

Living Simply with Bliss. ~ Jodie Berman

Many of us believe that material possessions bring us bliss.

There is always the latest technology to obtain and overall, there is the sense that we must keep up externally with everyone else. I for some time bought into this way of being, but soon realized that our real source of contentment is in simplicity.

My new truths align me with a simpler-led life and attract others who know that those are the real keys to our inner sanctum. I dream of a world committed to sustainability, conscious living and a food source that is still real food without GMOs, pesticides and other chemicals.

Many of us crave community of likeminded souls who live from a place of depth, integrity and connectedness to each other. We have all become so disconnected in our plight for more. We have lost our way—one which our ancestors understood and which somehow, we have disassociated from.

Here are some ways to live simply with bliss:

1. Grow your own fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Create a garden of pure organic food that nourishes your bodies and your soul. Know that the health of your family is priceless. If you are truly ambitious in this endeavour, decide to compost.

2. Bring a community together.

Generate events in your neighborhoods and communities to come together and feel the oneness of each other. We need each other. Whether you decide to implement a recycling program, a community garden or even monthly block parties, you are building a true community in your neighborhood that benefits everyone.

3. Reconnect to nature.

When you are sad, alone or angry, resist the temptation of retail therapy and instead reconnect to nature or to others by doing something active outdoors. Feel the waves crash against your kayak or immerse yourself in the gratification of the power of being in warrior pose in yoga.

4. Life is about contribution.

Contribute to making others’ lives abundant. The art of being of service pays for itself in the incredible way it makes us feel to give to others. We are programmed to be of service. We could learn a lot from karma yogis. There are simple ways to be of service, such as spending time with the elderly, mentoring a young child, assisting at an animal shelter, cleaning up trash from our environment or volunteering in a local community center.

5. Meditate.

Connect to your core. Replenish yourself so that you are able to create, evolve and grow into the beautiful soul that you are meant to be. Meditation has a myriad of health, spiritual and psychological benefits. Start investigating what type of meditation appeals to you, whether it is mantra-based, transcendental, mindfulness or a guided visualization. When you are grounded and one with yourself, that energy radiates out to others.

6. Find bliss in this exact moment…

… in the way everything is exactly as it is without wanting to change, transmute or dissolve anything. It is all perfect and divine! When we are dissatisfied with the present, always hoping for more in the future, we are not able to truly savor where we are in this moment. Allow yourself to be completely present and fully absorb the beauty of the moment.

We are meant to live simply in a state of love for oneself and our community.

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Assistant Ed: Jamie Khoo/Ed: Bryonie Wise

{Photo: Silas Bahr}

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Jodie Berman