December 22, 2013

The Journey: Spiritual Guidelines for Life.


You have accepted your Life Assignment. Now it’s up to you how to fill in the blank canvas…Good luck!

“The world is its own magic.” ~ Shunryu Suzuki

This is your assignment:

1. You will forget everything.

You start at the beginning with no instructions, and the rest of your life, you are tasked with remembering who you are. You start from nothing, and at the end, all you get to take with you are the lessons learnt.

2. You will get a body, hopefully in good working order.

Your body is borrowed. At the end of your life, you don’t get to take it worth you.
So treat it with care whilst you have it. It’s your most valuable possession. Treat it like a gift, a resource for you to use to get the most out of life.

3. What you do with your life is up to you.

It’s your choice what to do, how to feel, and what to create with what you have. You are never a victim. Imagine your life as a canvas; it’s up to you to fill that canvas with the things and people you most care for. If you change, the world changes. Beliefs are the most powerful weapon in your arsenal.

4. You are here to learn lessons.

As you “evolve” on your path, the lessons may become harder and harder. If you don’t learn the lesson, it will keep coming back into your life until you do learn it.

5. Don’t give up!

It’s guaranteed to get hard, yet you are not alone in this. Suffering is part of your assignment. Learning equanimity and patience will help a lot.

6. Every choice you make takes you on a different path.

There is no wrong and right path, every path you take is a choice, and will take you somewhere. Even if you feel it’s not the path for you, and you have to go all the way back to the beginning again. It’s an illusion. You’re not the same person who left in the first place. Every decision changes you.

7. We’re all the same (but different!).

Within other people contains an element that is within you as per a holographic principle. If you hate something too much, perhaps you’re rejecting that part within yourself. We call this our “shadow.”

8. Learn to accept all of you including your shadow.

When you suppress or reject a part of yourself, you will feel stunted. In maturity comes greater fulfillment of who you are.

“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” ~ Rumi

Accepting the shadow self.

9. The most important thing is to love.

Love is all there is. That’s the most important thing you need to know.

10. Enjoy the journey!

Don’t sweat the small stuff or take life too personally. Life is one of the greatest journeys imaginable. You don’t pass or fail—you may as well enjoy the journey, and no need to take life so seriously by the way. In the final analysis, there is no failure. I guarantee in the end, everyone “passes”…


Your Life Assignment—everyone passes!


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photos: courtesy of the author



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