March 6, 2014

How to Let Our Light Shine. ~ Judy Tsuei

Photo: The Spark Poets

Our realities are pliable—there is a difference between facts and truth.

Facts tell things as they appear to be, but truth is the essence underneath it all. The facts may say that in a traditional world of doing business, we need to create a business plan and follow this or that step. The truth is, I have lived my life pursuing my passions since I realized what I wanted to do over a decade and a half ago. In garnering the courage it takes to do what my heart guides me to do, I continue to create space, sukha, in my practice of living to allow for my dreams to come true.

Let’s keep the dialogue around prosperity shifting.

I want to be part of the dialogue that shifts the consciousness around wealth, because as it stands, there has been a false belief that if we pursue what we love, then we will be poor. The whole conversation about money is a touchy one, for this is something we do not much talk about in our culture.

Status symbols are everywhere, and having worked in marketing for quite a while, I understand consumer culture well. We know how to play upon our insecurities, selling things that we believe will make us feel better on the inside, so long as the outside looks fine and dandy. But, for a long while now, a lot of us have been engaging in a different kind of conversation.

Think about our schooling, think about the messages we are shown. We are taught from a young age that the noble thing, this listening to the gentle calling of our souls, means we will likely be in for a life of hardship. “Starving artists,” much? But, there is no reason that these old facts should remain true.

A lot of us have created our own paths, and in so doing, inspired such genuine contentment for ourselves that it emanates outward and pays it forward in infinite ways. Take for example parents who are teaching their children in a whole new way, “hackschooling,” and what enlightened souls are born from this.

 Going after what is right for our highest good.

In our new consciousness a shift is happening, and this is what many in yogic communities have been teaching. In the practice of living the lessons we acquire on the mat, I believe that if you boldly go after what you believe to be right for your highest good and the greater good, life supports you in abundance.

It may not be easy, but it is absolutely worth it. After all, in my own personal practice, staying in line with my intention—however challenging at times or seemingly risky in traditional ways of doing business—is how I made one of my biggest dreams come true. I yearned to live in Kauai from the moment I stepped off the plane over a decade and a half ago, and now I spend my days writing, coaching, and teaching in the spirit of aloha on the eldest island of the Hawaiian chain.

One of the most important elements of pursuing our personal passions is to have faith and trust in divine timing. I had to build up the capacity to handle this, because if I were given what I was not yet ready for, I would have faltered and likely failed.

When I began my journey into healing my personal past, I was told by a friend, “You are never given more than you can handle.” Anything more than that would not have been supportive.

In a universe that is ever evolving upwards in unconditional love, and as souls in this existence, we are indeed loved even when we cannot see it. Now, I understand that when my guides are silent, they are up to something big.

Living your passion is not always easy.

So yes, I have made it to Hawaii, and this blessing is still beyond my belief. I am committed to being here because this is where my soul feels at home, a sentiment shared by many. But, what a lot of people may not realize about living on an island, is that spending one’s days on paradise is not easy. Residents on Kauai often say, “If living in paradise were easy, everyone would do it.”

If you are ready to face everything about yourself, where the dark is perhaps darker than you thought, and the light is surprisingly lighter than you thought, then a place like Kauai is perfect.

There are fewer distractions as there are on the mainland, and in a very short amount of time, this island will reveal precisely what you need to grow beyond, which is often more than what you thought you were capable of.

As a coach, I practice what I share and therefore work with a coach myself. He tells me that we must be bold and brave in helping to shift the dialogue about abundance, prosperity, and wealth for all of us gentle souls in the world who are doing the work, who are inspiring change, who are bringing new possibilities into existence.

Does doubt come in? Absolutely.

Does fear come into play? Undeniably.

Yet, the greatest leaders throughout the history of humankind did not move us forward as a race in the absence of those elements of human perception. They did so by embracing and allowing for those balanced counterparts of light to exist.

We do not know how to appreciate the good without also experiencing the bad, and we do not know courage without understanding cowardice.

Let’s change the discussion, you and I.

Let’s make it so that the world understands that there is indeed a reward for bringing the most vulnerable parts of themselves into the light, if only that we may all understand that we are not alone in whatever it is that we are experiencing.

Let’s practice abundance and prosperity by removing the blockages and the old conversations that keep us from sharing our moxie with one another.

Let’s create a community that truly supports one another in thriving as we pursue what we are meant to do, which is to bring our greatest gifts to light.


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Editorial Assistant: Sarah Qureshi/Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo Credit: The Spark Poets


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Judy Tsuei