April 4, 2014

Discovering Books: Day 4.

rabbit hill

My favorite book, when I was a child was Rabbit Hill.  I saved it, packed it away and moved it from apartment to apartment, and now finally, it sits on my son’s book shelf.

He doesn’t enjoy it the way I did but, we read it together a few times. We’ve found our own favorites. The ones that he will save and pack and move as he grows up. We read together almost every night. He rests his head on my shoulder, his mop of hair brushes against my face, and we get lost in some silly world together.

These are a few of our favorites.

The One And Only Ivan—Best book ever. I wish I wrote it! So beautiful and touching. I bought a dozen and gave one to every kid I thought would enjoy it.

Polkabats and Octopus Slacks—Totally fun book of poetry for kids.  A friend gave it to us for Christmas one year and we love it to pieces.

My Father’s Dragon—We have read this about a million times.  Another one I wish I wrote.

Day Four of The 24 Things Spring Fling brought me to his book shelf.  We let go of a lot of old reads and made space for future bedtime discoveries.

Research shows that there is a correlation between the number of books in a home and a child’s language development, academic ability and career success. But, more importantly, it is a beautiful time to put down the electronics and have your child drift off to sleep, dreaming of the sound of your voice.

Feng Shui Tip:

“Holding on to old books doesn’t allow you to create space for new ideas and ways of thinking….you can become set in your ways and develop musty energy like the musty old books you surround yourself with.” 

~ Karen Kingston (Creating Sacred Space)

It is okay to have a few books in your bedroom but not too many and not in a messy pile.  Clear out your bedroom. Make it a quiet place with just two or three books on hand. Also, make sure the edges of the books are not pointing at your bed.  It creates “sha chi” or poison arrows, that attack and weaken your energy. 

What did you toss today? If you blog about letting go please contact me and we can add your thoughts to the list of 24-ers!

Get Clear and Get Tossing!

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Books.Google.Ca

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