April 14, 2014

How Our Hearts Think, Feel, & Communicate. ~ Paul Rimmer

bird  heart

Have you ever wondered what it really means when we say somebody is heartfelt, cold-hearted, open/close hearted, broken hearted, heartless, or heart-centered?

Of course these statements are all referring to the heart as though it was a fully conscious organ that was capable of perceiving, feeling and even communicating, but is this an accurate depiction of the heart or merely a metaphorical fantasy?

According to many Eastern spiritual traditions, the heart is widely regarded as the “seat of our consciousness,” where perceptions are processed and emotions are experienced. As the less mature Western science enters into its adolescence, it seems to be echoing this timeless wisdom back to antiquity, with the potential to rearrange our understanding of how the mind works, and indeed how reality is woven from a far more interconnected and interdependent fabric than our brain-centered education has led us to believe. This short video concisely illustrates for you in simple terms how our hearts are capable of ‘thinking’, ‘feeling’ and ‘communicating’, and how this understanding may hold the potential to create a more enlightened society that could rescue this world from total devastation at the 11th hour…


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Editor: Jenna Penielle Lyons

Photos: Flickr

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