August 18, 2014

Yoga is a Gateway Drug. ~ Bailey Frumen


It begins with a purchase of cute yoga pants.

Something comfortable with stretch to replace those grubby, gray sweatpants you should’ve ditched with your ex-boyfriend. When the friendly girl in next cubicle asks you to go to yoga after work you think, well, I have the pants, let’s go see what it’s all about.

A few asanas, a bit of sweat and sore abs later, you decide that yoga might be your thing. You purchase a 10-class pack and vow to return every day this week. Suddenly you’re opting out of happy hour for Friday night candle-lit yoga class.

You’re hooked.

The next day in class, the teacher mentions chakras—or was it shakras? Not sure, definitely need to look it up.

With your pal, Google, you spend the next hour getting in tune with your chakras—are there seven or nine? The jury’s still out on that one, but did you know there’s one for enlightenment? Really.

It only takes a bit of meditation or standing on your head to access your third-eye chakra for awakening. Sounds good, how do I get started?

You Google meditation, and that’s when you meet the mack-daddy of enlightenment: Deepak Chopra. Right on the screen in front of you, with a polite video introduction, you listen to his soothing voice and think, I could definitely get into this. You also think, why aren’t there any guys like this on Match?

After downloading a few meditations, you light some candles, pull a cushion from the coach and press play.

Time to meditate.

What happens next? Your stomach growls. You remember that you just ran out of Lean Cuisines and start making a grocery list in your head.

Next thing you know, you hear Deepak’s voice telling you to breathe deeply and you chastise yourself because you forgot you were meditating.

Three days later and a trip to buy another pair of yoga pants (gotta have more than one or people might start talking) you find yourself settling into meditation with Deepak and this time you make it the whole way through.

He talks about connection, the law of attraction, and finding your purpose. Seriously, why aren’t there any guys like this on Match? You feel really good, kinda light, kinda high—is this enlightenment? Not sure yet, but it sure feels good.

Over the next six months, you’ve got a couple of new outfits, a favorite yoga studio, a slight girl-crush on your instructor and you’re contemplating a trip to an ashram next year for yoga teacher training.

Compliments from friends abound—from your perfectly round yoga booty to your new zen attitude. You feel pretty freaking fantastic.

Yoga is a gateway drug to feeling naturally high.

You slide down the rabbit hole of pure pleasure, connection, satisfaction and green juice.

Here are some tips to make yoga a part of your everyday life.

Five Ways to Do More Yoga in Your Life.

1. Set Aside Time for Yourself.

Life can be overwhelming, but when we make time for ourselves, our yoga practice and even our meditation, we can take a deep breath to reevaluate what’s really important.

On the mat, unplug and just be you—not an employee, a mom, a wife or a boss.

2. Start Small.

In life and yoga there are many-leveled experiences. It’s important to stay on your mat by focusing on your individual practice.

Comparing yourself to someone else’s practice can leave you feeling less than and frustrated. Just start small wobbling through each asana. Small steps (and lots of patience) can yield big results over time.

3. Ease into it.

The name of the game is to invite ease into your world and your yoga practice.

Stick to what feels best for your body. Every body is different and each day in your body can feel different too.

Don’t push too hard, where you are today is just where you are supposed to be.

4. Relish Silence.

Silence is a rare gift.

Your hour on the mat is a gift to connect to your inner voice and deep desires. With practice, you’ll get further both physically and mentally by listening to your inner voice.

This is your time to tap into the seat of intuition and connection that lets your heart and soul sing.

5. You are Stronger Than You Think You Are.

In so many ways, yoga is a true reflection of your life experience. Life can offer twist and turns, many of which are unexpected.

When we give ourselves the time and patience to rise to the challenge (even on our mat), we often impress ourselves by learning that we are stronger than we think we are.



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Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

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Bailey Frumen