June 8, 2015

Pluto in Retrograde: Transformation & Rebirth.


Pluto turns retrograde—April 16-17 through September 24-25, 2015 in the sign of Capricorn.

A planet in retrograde (moving backwards in the sky) directs us toward inner work on our psyches and emotions.

Pluto requires self-examination and the resolve to take charge of our own lives.

How can I challenge myself to grow, and what changes will be required of me in order to facilitate this growth?

Pluto in retrograde affords insights into the subconscious and we become hyper aware of our inner tides. We are more intuitively insightful of our own motivations and the motivations of others.

We may even become wary or suspicious of others at this time especially around issues of money or position.
But this focus on others is simply a distraction from completing our own work.

Pluto is ruled by Scorpio, that watery, mystical, secretive, introverted sign. Scorpio is associated with transformation, death and re-birth and our continual struggle between the spiritual and the material.
One can ask themselves these questions:

What do I need to release?
What do I need to re-evaluate?
What do I need to address with courage in my life, as the root cause of my unsettled and restless feelings?

Pluto shows us the things we need to renew in order to cleanse our life or makes us reevaluate our behaviors. It shows us the very core of our problems and how to fix them.

This will require stillness. Listening to what is the truth within ourselves.

We all know the answers, we know what our soul desires but the chatter of what ‘should’ happen often overtakes our inner wisdom.

There is no joy until we follow the path we are meant to be on.

That path, however we might fight it, uses all retrogrades to bring us back into alignment with soul drive.

We become unsettled and confused during a retrograde because our soul is kicking up a fuss, begging us to pay attention, allowing our discomfort with present circumstances to surface.

We feel nauseous within our own skin and wonder what’s wrong?

So let go of present thought patterns and try to think outside the box you’ve been stuck in for so long.
Release some of that rigidity and free flow into what could be if you stepped off the “right track.”

Are you sure the track you have been on is right or are you simply conditioned to think it is right for you?
In case you’re thinking that you’re oh so very confused right now, you’re not.

What you are is reflective, and in reflective mode, we feel the “itchiness” of what we’ve outgrown and the need for something new.

The trick to surviving this time with grace is to let go of what is making us itchy. Uncomfortable happens when we inwardly know what needs letting go of but refuse to move past it.

“But I don’t know what to do? I don’t want to burn any bridges. What if I make a mistake? What if this move leads to disaster?”

Again, stillness will speak if you let her.

More questions:

These things I think I need, do I really need them?
What patterns do I need to release in order to create change?
How am I giving my power away with current patterns?
Will making a mistake truly be that tragic or will it show me another side of the issue?

The trouble with the human condition is that we lack perspective. When we look at a situation from our limited viewpoint (imagine trying to see the surrounding countryside while standing in a gulley as opposed to from a mountaintop) we see only what is immediately before us.

Worse still, we imagine things that might never happen to throw us off our quest.

Our shadow side, what we’re continually trying to avoid, is a good teacher.

I suggest diving into what makes us wild, mystical, creative, unpredictable and soul driven.

Only then, after quiet contemplation and breathing through our fear, can we live the life we are seeking.

So while Pluto retrogrades through the somewhat gloomy, serious, glass half full/limitations are my lot, sign of Capricorn, see if you can turn negative responses into more positive mantras.

If you listen to the almost deafening knocking of your soul you will hear:

I am. I will walk the road most extra-ordinary. I will follow my truth.

Allow Pluto in Retrograde to guide you into the unknown.


Relephant Read:

Mercury Retrograde is Over: Now What?


Author: Monika Carless

Editor: Travis May

Photo/forest: Author’s own, Featured Image: Wikipedia

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