August 12, 2015

Expand With the New Moon: In Love, Spirit and Finance.

Earth, Moon, & Sun, Kevin Gill, Flickr

May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke

I’ve learned that when I move with things, and do not resist their inherent ebb and flow, I become less anxious and more joyful.

One way that I follow nature’s wisdom is by following the rhythms of the moon.

The moon moves through a yin and yang (contracting and expanding energy) cycle, as it waxes and wanes.

Up to the 14th of August the dark moon energy has been yin—contracting—and emotionally I have found myself inward bound, feeling introspective and needing extra time alone. I have honored this part of the cycle by first acknowledging how I’ve been feeling and then organizing my life around that.

Now, it’s not always possible to be in a complete rhythm as life has its demands, but for the most part, if I stay aware, I can keep to my plan.

After the 14th of the month I intend to expand again in harmony with the moon cycle.

I believe that because we are largely water, the moon tugs at our tides just as it governs the oceans. We have an unbreakable bond. I find that if I ease myself into the cool, mystical nature of Luna—the Roman moon goddess—I find my shoulders relaxing, my mind decompressing, my breath slowing, and a sense of natural acceptance arising in me.

As the new moon rises, so do I. I set my course in action until the full moon.

I am energized once more.

I ask myself what my intention is for the next moon cycle, and set it. If we do not know what we want, we cannot move towards it. There are times when I do not know what to intend on and in that instance I ask for my highest good, and trust that what will be is what my higher self truly needs.

Once I set my intention, I relax into it, accept what I have asked for and finally rest, before beginning the cycle once more.

I balance all elements of this cycle, giving equal importance to yin and yang:

Intention: Be clear about what you want.

Action: Take the steps necessary to make it happen.

Receive intention with gratitude: Remember to receive the gift and keep it, often we ask for something and then give it back because of some internal misguidance that we don’t deserve it, which is essentially self-sabotage.

Rest: Perhaps the most important step of all. It’s the hardest one for me, for sure. Give yourself permission to let go.

“When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

When it comes to matters of love, spirit and finance, a cycle of ebb and flow is natural.

I think that we are encouraged from a young age to always strive for an upward trajectory, but there is much wisdom in taking a break from forward movement. With that wisdom comes the realization that it is impossible for anything to continually grow.

Nature shows us that everything is a cycle, so we should not be surprised if our emotions, spiritual state or finances rise and dip. Accepting what is, as it is, makes life less painful and more joyful.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”  ~ Alan W. Watts

Think winter, spring, summer and fall.

There is a natural abatement that balances all growth. But often, we welcome only forward movement. We have been conditioned to think that stillness is failure. But this is counter-productive.

When we imagine ourselves outside of the natural laws of nature we encounter misery. We forget that we are indeed, part of the tapestry of all creation.

I have learned that this applies, even to matters of love and money.

It can be terribly disappointing when after an extended period of blissful synchronicity, my partner and I fall into a seemingly mindless argument and the bubble of our contentment bursts.

Or, after an especially financially rewarding period we lapse into what looks like lack. My relationship with money (or we could use the word resources) is basically my relationship with myself. When I value myself I have no issues with other values. Of course this applies mostly to those of us who are blessed enough to have enough, most of the time.

I used to think that these down periods were some kind of karmic punishment for all that joy. Instead of relaxing into it, I would tense up and begin a downward spiral of woe is me. In times like these, I could not see past the present moment of what was a natural rest period to any possible hope in the future.

Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don’t struggle against it, we are in harmony with reality.  ~ Pema Chodron

I would contract so fully that I could not enter the next cycle of expansiveness. I became my own worst enemy.

Now I follow the guidance of Luna. Love can come and love can go—and come back again. Money can fill my purse and money can flow out—sharing is more rewarding than hoarding. Spirit will soar and spirit will despair—we grow by meeting our dark side.

This new moon, let’s take the challenge to expand into our best selves. Remember that a new season will always come. Don’t panic. The circle of life cannot help but turn.

What is your intention for the next lunar cycle?



Breathing into a New Moon.


Author: Monika Carless

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren

Image: Kevin Gill/ Flickr

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