July 30, 2016

How do we explain Kundalini’s Effect on the Exterior World?


Human evolution is driven by kundalini and life’s natural urge to expand and awaken.

For each of us, we arrive in the world with a certain degree of activation of inborn skill and capacity for perception that is reflective of our innate realization. It is the desire of life-force to evolve through us more fully that ultimately creates the chemistry that propels personal growth and—somewhere down the road—allows kundalini to work its dramatically transformative magic.

The chakra system reflects our self-actualized disposition at any one point in time.

The path of becoming more sattvic (balanced and light) is known—the chakras are meant to fully energize and “spin” appropriately, to bloom optimally, to reflect a fully “adjusted” life—like the turning wheels on your car, or chariot, or gyroscope-balanced electric unicycle (or whatever it is you drive).

Yoga enhances these energetic frameworks and trains our inner checks and balances, so that we stay on course, we don’t tip and spill our beans, and we keep re-implanting seeds for prodigality and the capacity to glow and do.

We are meant to be poised and aware beings, socially integrated and communicative—all of these capacities lie encoded in us. Crazy wisdom may visit us as a default state somewhere down the line, but the narrow path precedes the dance in the fields.

The option to focus and grow is there, and humans do it like no other embodied creature.

Our cities and arts and spiritual practices are profoundly complex attempts at the enhancement of life in the realm of exteriors. The ultimate aim is to have these exteriors re-accelerate opportunity, humanistic enlargement and fecundity of every kind.

“We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us,” Frank Lloyd Wright famously said, but this is true of all cultural production. The wisdom of inner growth yearns to re-duplicate itself in the material world and the degree of our inner life determines the aptness of our efforts, the potency of our voice, the service to evolution that we can bring to bear.

Kundalini awakens us and leads us to a liberation that transcends all culture and nature. The wisdom of kundalini is the wisdom of life. The outer world is its field of play, as much as the inner structures of the chakras, koshas (life force bodies) and vayus (life force “winds”).

We have the opportunity to learn this through the science of “the coiled one,” the sleeping power beneath the curled tail of the sacrum, through the visioning of that hunched goddess, traditionally called Kundalini Vidya (the science of kundalini).

Kundalini science determines what you do with your energetic anatomy, and—if we learn this—it helps guide our yoga and our ever-eager capacities for a rich and meaningful life.



The Meaning & History Behind the Sun Salutation.

Book Review: The Science of Yoga. 


Author: Eric Shaw

Image: WikiMedia Commons

Apprentice Editor: Bailey Grover; Editor: Yoli Ramazzina


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