August 2, 2008

Buddhist Wedding Poem.


Traditionally read at Buddhist weddings…maybe use it at yours!

Unlimited Friendliness

This is what should be done by the one who is wise,
who seeks the good, and who knows the meaning of the place of peace.
Let them be strenuous, upright, and truly straight, without conceit of self,
easily contented and joyous, free of cares;
let them not be submerged by the things of the world;
let them not take upon themselves the burden of worldly goods;
let their senses be controlled; let them be wise but not puffed up,
and let them not desire great possessions even for their family.
Let them do nothing that is mean or that the wise would reprove.

May all beings be happy and at their ease!
May they be joyous and live in safety!
All beings, whether weak or strong—omitting none—in high, middle, or low
realms of existence,
small or great, visible or invisible, near or far away, born or to be born–
may all beings be happy and at their ease! Let none deceive another, or
despise any being in any state!

Let none by anger or ill-will wish harm to another!
Even as a mother watches over and protects her child, her only child,
so with a boundless mind should one cherish all living beings,
radiating friendliness over the entire world, above, below, and all around
without limit.

So let them cultivate a boundless good will towards the entire world,
uncramped, free from ill will or enmity.
Standing or walking, sitting or lying down, during all their waking hours,
let them establish this mindfulness of good will, which human beings call the highest

Abandoning vain discussions, having a clear vision, free from sense
they who are made perfect will never again know rebirth.

~ The Buddha


Where I’d like to get married:

A mindful wedding:


Image: Wikimedia.

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