August 3, 2008

Web site of the wwweek: Robert Thurman’s Why The Dalai Lama Matters.

You could focus on high-end dashboard kits for cars, but if you put elephant journal on your home page, you’ve got a good chance of being www of the wwweek. I’m just saying. 

The other way to go is focus on something we actually care about: yoga, organics, sustainability, non-new agey spirituality, the arts, enlightened education, active citizenship, ecofashion…anything that’s of some benefit to our world, and helps us to live a good life. 

But if you do both—focus not only on something of grave concern, as does Buddhist teacher Robert Thurman in his new book WHY THE DALAI LAMA MATTERS, but also feature our recent interview of Bob on our ‘elevision’ talk show at the Boulder Theater—and you’ve got a lock.

What’s the prize, you ask, for www of the week? The only thing webbies care about: traffic.

So here you go, you mindful readers you—enjoy one of the most hopeful and practical web sites focused not only on the Free Tibet cause, but on the tradition of non-violence generally. 

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