October 16, 2008

Desmond Tutu on climate change’s effect on developing world. New video. Plus, Insight Speaker Series features Hickenlooper & Tutu in Denver!

Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu fought off apartheid. Now he’s attacking climate change! Watch out! For those of you in Coloado, he’s speaking here soon. Info & video:“With an introduction by Mayor John Hickenlooper

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Desmond Tutu’s wisdom and vision are critical for the times we are facing. 
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu is revered as a mediator and experienced conciliator who speaks throughout the world for justice, peace and reconciliation. His powerful message bringing people together in times of turmoil resonates richly with people all across the world. 

Hearing Desmond Tutu in this extraordinary, in-depth forum is a powerful experience. What’s it like to be in the same room? “The Archbishop’s presence was incredibly powerful and wonderfully eloquent. He did a wonderful job of making the lecture pertinent to each member of the audience by challenging each person’s beliefs on certain issues. There is no question as to why he is considered one of the most internationally influential people of our time. His message is certainly one that benefits all that hear it.”

His faith and commitment in the peaceful destiny of South Africa earned Archbishop Tutu the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize. For years he served as his country’s voice of conscience during its long struggle against apartheid. When that struggle was finally won, he took the first steps, as Chairman of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to minister to the ugly wounds it left behind. While his vigorous anti-apartheid activism in his native South Africa first propelled him into the glare of international news media, today he is revered as a “moral voice” and elder statesman who speaks with gravitas on a range of issues.

For individual event tickets, call 303.893.4100, or visit www.insightspeakers.com <http://www.insightspeakers.com
elephantjournal Discount – enter promo code AB108 when purchasing tickets through the website and receive 20% off the regular ticket price 

Get the best seats by purchasing your tickets today!”


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