Thich Nhat Hanh’s prose is as elegant as his poetry. The World We Have is his latest book; in it, he includes deep ecology under the umbrella of Engaged Buddhism. His simple, straightforward suggestions reveal a path that is at once obvious yet challenging. Thich Nhat Hahn’s message is compelling: unless we are willing to truly engage with our world, we will not survive. That means changing a few light bulbs and riding our bikes is simply not enough: we must change our whole way of thinking as well as our way of behaving. The book also contains several Earth meditations and exercises to help guide the reader through the day in a more mindful way as well as a commitment sheet to serve as a reminder to keep the promises made to the planet and to oneself. This is the perfect book for anyone looking for ways and suggestions to take practice off the cushion and into a life that is more balanced, peaceful, and more engaged and interested co-existence with our planet rather than dominance over it. Printed on 100% post-consumer, chlorine-free recycled fiber from Parallax Press, and available from your local, independent bookstore. (Tell ’em you saw it on Elephant!)
Sharon DeNofa is an award-winning author of Happily Ever NOT receiving the Gold for the…
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