December 30, 2008

Charlton Heston, you (won’t) be missed.

Look, it’s never fun to spit on someone’s grave, but that’s just exactly what this confused gentleman—yeah, he seemed like a fundamentally good guy, if only a slightly better actor than fellow Hollywood politico Ronald Reagan—did again and again when Charlton Heston would hold huge NRA rallies at Columbine and in Flint right after tragic shootings of children by children. Look, no one wants to take anyone’s guns away—it’s a civil right here in America, and most everyone is fine with that. 

But assault weapons? Semi-automatic, autmatic? No background checks at gun shows? Bullets and guns for sale at your local Wal Mart or K Mart (where the Columbine bullets were bought). Look, the US of A is no more violent that Japan, Russia, Germany, Britain. But we have far, far more gun deaths each year—off the charts. 

It’s time for the NRA and Michael Moore’s of the world to reach a compromise: safe, legal guns are available after a slight delay (to get rid of those grab n’go murders that come out of momentary rage) to those with clean records only. Is that so hard?

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