January 8, 2009

How to Keep your Bike from getting Stolen 101.

With thanks for the heads up to Ben Marks over at the Examiner. Excerpt:

Yesterday I posted about the rise in bike thefts in bike-friendly Palo Alto, and how (surprise, surprise) expensive bikes are favorite targets. Today I received an email from the guy mentioned in that post. He was looking for a theft-resistant, piece-of-crap bike for his wife, whose wheels were swiped at Stanford. He pointed me to a great article at Make by a Boulder, Colorado writer and cyclist named Rick Polito.


Rick’s piece is terrific. He shows you how to keep your wheels and seat from being stolen and how to get wonderfully ugly rust effects. As you might guess, he’s also a proponent of duct tape. 

Over at BikeHacks.com, Matt riffs on Rick’s article by sharing tips on how he created his monstrosity (see photo). The guy even accessorizes his ride with one of those paperboard car air fresheners (wild cherry, of course…).

I just put handmade wooden fenders on my bike, so I’m sorta heading in the other direction. But if I was a Stanford student, or worked the night shift at Ritual Coffee Roasters in the Mission…click here for rest.

Click here and zoom for instructions courtesy Boulder, Colorado’s Rick Polito:


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