January 18, 2009

The “Bushes have been eating organic for years.” [Alice Waters, Kitchen Cabinet, White House chef]

We’ve reported on the Kitchen Cabinet crusade a few times—led by folks like Alice Waters, US foodies sought to get the Obamas to set an example by their diet, planting a Victory Garden and eating local, seasonal. So this comes as some surprisingly welcome news, via Newsweek:

It turns out the gastronomers didn’t have their facts straight, so they ended up with egg on their faces. While Bush never hid his love for hot dogs and burgers, Comerford had actually been serving organic meals to the outgoing family for years. “It’s too bad we didn’t know that,” says Reichl, though she insists that she and her comrades were never calling for Comerford’s head. That said, Reichl hopes that the Obamas will be more forthcoming about what’s on their plates than the Bushes were.

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