March 3, 2009

Your Home: Solutions to Indoor Pollution.


Did you know: allergists claim that half of illnesses are caused (or worsened) by indoor pollution? And that, according to the EPA, 65 percent of our homes and buildings are pollute sometimes six to 10 times more than city pollution?

Some health risks are avoidable: we know about them and make the choice to avoid the risk. Other health risks we choose to accept because to do otherwise would unacceptably restrict our ability to lead our lives the way we wish. I’m concerned with the risks we could avoid if we knew more—enough to make an informed choice. Environmental pollution is one of these. In the last decade, a growing body of scientific evidence has shown that our homes and workspaces are often more polluted than urban outdoor areas (even on smoggy days!) Since we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors, such pollution presents a serious health challenge.

Why is this happening? The International Institute of Building Biology and Ecology offers informed choices about worsening indoor environment health concerns. Today, building biology is an important aspect of European design and architecture. It is now becoming popular in the United States, as we struggle to provide healthy environments in our ever-evolving indoor lifestyle.

A certified building biologist has studied the relationship between the built environment and health, and applies this knowledge to living and working spaces, creating natural solutions that foster a healthy environment.

Below, you’ll find some fundamental ways to promote a healthy living environment. We’ll touch on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) issues as they impact our everyday lives. This is by no means a “doom and gloom”scenario—rather a way to educate ourselves and live full, fruitful lives. 

Paige R. Jacques practices what he preaches. A Certified Environmental Consultant and practicing building biologist, Paige has lived in Boulder, Colorado, for 20 years and worked for 25 years in the commercial real estate industry. For more: 303.868.8791 or ecoinspection.com 


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