March 31, 2009

Sakyong Mipham, Buddhist leader, on Huffington Post.

Big mo’ for Buddhists, I personally am proud and happy to be able to see Buddhism and Mipham Rinpoche on Huffington Post. But if you don’t add your two cents…it’ll disappear from view within a few days. The more comments this post gets in the short-term, the more they might promote it (my recent blog on the world needing a “Green Jon Stewart” made the most popular articles list on every page of Huff Post, and briefly the home page. If we get say 100 comments this post on the Sakyong might get say 3 million visits in a week. As it is, stuck on Living page, it’ll only get a couple thousand most likely. 

So: how do you personally advise getting through tough economic times? Add your two cents here. And, if so inspired, fwd this to your friends, and ask ’em to do the same.

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