March 23, 2009

Skip the caffeine…give yourself 30 seconds of prAna. [This is what effective advertising looks like]

Second in a series of unpaid-for “This is what effective advertising looks like.” Click here for the first, lol hahah series, via TDA & Hapa Sushi. Effective advertising speaks to the spirit of a thing. It’s funny, or meaningful. It’s not product-driven, but rather passion-driven. It speaks to the demographic, directly. We’d love to see more of it, and less of the eyeball-dirtying other stuff.

When mountains speak, wise men listen. ~ John Muir.

Gorgeous video from folks who know how to get their message out—minimal logo bs, maximal evocative spirit of what they focus on. Look for Chris Sharma, other prana-ful yoga and climbing stars. Gives me a boost just lookin’ at ’em:

This vid has 655 views at time of posting. Let’s get it up to 1,000 over the next month, email it about to a few climbing yoga buddies.

Bonus: yoga montage of prAna photos:

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