April 21, 2009

Waylon Lewis featured on Planet Green TV, prime-time Earth Day special. Showtimes all week.

It aired last night for first time, and will air tonight and all week. Schedule. Update: part of my appearances on the show are here (minus introduction).

My cameo was short & sweet. They cut two interviews and tour of green-renovated house (including lack-of-fridge), probably ’cause my minutes were filled with the other I’m-so-proud-of-Boulder spots that I recommended they check out…like The Kitchen, which they filmed composting and biodieseling. So a bit of a let-down, but hey that’s big media. In any case, fun. “Doing more than anyone else, the everyday hero…” and “Waylon Lewis is a bachelor” in the deep sonorous voice of ABC’s Bob Woodruff (who was co-anchor for awhile, and got bombed in Irag, disfiguring half his face somewhat).

“Waylon hangs his laundry just like his ma taught him back in the day, got rid of his fridge, got rid of car and bikes around.” Something like that. They filmed me composting, and said that I made the biggest difference of all. What they meant was that little ordinary people like I make the biggest difference. They didn’t include interview, mention of national eco magazine I started, or our web site. Well, that’s showbiz!

Good Morning America/ABC came by my green-renovated Victorian, Hotelephant, last month, and filmed me doing my thing as part of their partnership with Planet Green…for a prime-time Earth Day special. All thanks to Ryan Van Duzer, who sent them my way knowing that I was a silly green composting refrigeratorless laundry-hanging eco home livin’kinda boy. It’s on tonight—though I won’t believe I made the cut until I see it.

From Planet Green’s site: 


ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff hosts Planet Green’s Focus Earth featuring green news and events.

In this special hour-long edition of Focus Earth, the Peabody and Emmy Award-winning anchor takes you across the globe to meet six courageous heroes fighting on the frontlines for our planet’s environmental survival.

From the villages of Kenya where lives are being saved “one seed” at a time …to the cities of China where one American boy hopes to change a nation…to American “Main Street”, where a corporate maverick is helping usher in new sustainable ways of doing business. These six innovators are harnessing the wind, and exploring the depths of our oceans…each with a brave mission of change, a unique message of hope, and a vision of how we can protect our planet. You’ll meet them, and, at the end, find out which of these inspirational people has the most powerful impact of all on our planet.

Tune in at 9pm EST this Sunday, April 19, 2009 to catch this special Earth Week episode of Focus Earth.

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